Art Projects

This page includes art projects, lessons, and activities to explain certain principles or lessons to your child/children. It also includes art projects which are not intended to teach a specific lesson, but rather provide an opportunity to express oneself and ones feelings through art.

Changing Oceans & Recycled Art

Oceans Lesson (at home version)

Recommended for all ages

Type: slideshow lesson followed by art activity

Lesson focus: How is climate change affecting the oceans? What can you do about this?

Activity: recycled art

← Watch this lesson presented live on YouTube!

Lesson materials: paper and pencil to write observations and notes when prompted by slideshow

Activity Materials: cardboard boxes, egg cartons (be careful of allergies), bottle caps, newspaper, corks, glue, tape, markers, pencils, scissors (remember to ask for adult approval or supervision), stickers, paper, etc.

See slideshow for activity details

Post Lesson Exploration:

Colors and Blending

STEAM Colors and Blending Lesson

Recommended for any age

Type: slideshow lesson followed by art activity

Lesson focus: What terms do we use to describe colors? How can we make new colors?

Activity: blend your own color rainbow using the primary colors

Activity Materials: red, blue, and yellow paint (finger paints recommended)


Mandala Lesson (at home version)

Recommended for any age

Type: slideshow lesson followed by art activity

Lesson focus: What are mandalas and how can you create your own?

Activity: create your own mandala or coloring sheets

Activity Materials: printer & paper, writing materials (pen, pencil, colored pencils, markers), ruler (optional)

See slideshow for activity details

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions Lesson (at home version)

Recommended for any age

Type: slideshow presentation

Lesson focus: What are optical illusions?

Activity: looking at different examples of optical illusions and drawing one

Activity Materials: paper and pencil (optional)

See slideshow for more details


Nests (at home)

Recommended for any age

Type: picture slideshow leading to an art project

Lesson focus: How can you use birds as inspiration to make your own nests?

Activity: Make a nest with things you find around the house!

Material ideas for nests:

Pillows and blankets Recycled material Sticks from outside Clay/Play-dough



Recommended for any age

Type: picture slideshow and art project

Lesson focus: Creating and drawing different abstract patterns

Activity: Create a beautiful drawing made up of different patterns

Activity Materials: paper and a pen or marker