
Check back here regularly for local and virtual events on a variety of topics that promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

Harvard University is offering a five-part series on race and inequity across the US.

Click here to learn more.

Purdue University is offering a series of free virtual learning sessions with distinguished guests, to raise the consciousness of issues related to race, racism, and systemic inequities, presenting real actions each of us can take in the fight for racial equality and justice.

More speakers will be announced during the year on their website.

Register in advance for these events:

Equity Literacy Institute is offering free and low-cost self-paced mini-courses. These courses provide interactive professional learning on equity.

Visit their website to learn more.


This is a list of professional development opportunities that require paid registration. These organizations offer regular PD oppotunies.

Courageous Conversation™ Academy (CCA) offers differentiated opportunities to learn, practice, and apply the Protocol and Framework in environment-specific contexts across organizational sectors.

Rediscovering our Ancestral Healing, Power & Wisdom A Workshop Series for Indigenous People and People of Color.