Digital Citizenship

What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital Citizenship involves engaging empathetically with others online, evaluating the validity of online information, using technology to be a force of good, balancing time online, knowing how to be safe online, and appropriately caring for devices.

Areas of Digital Citizenship:

Media Balance & Well-Being

Understanding how to balance screen time in daily life and exploring the impact digital interactions can have on well-being and relationships.

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Privacy & Security

Learning how to protect personal information and develop a deeper understanding of personal data privacy rights to self-advocate and advocate for others.

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Digital Footprint & Identity

Considering the potential benefits and drawbacks of sharing information online and how a digital profile can affect one's sense of self, their reputation, and their relationships.

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Relationships & Communication

Reflecting on the value in building positive relationships, avoiding unsafe conversations online, and understanding why some topics and conversations are best served either online or in person. 

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Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, & Hate Speech

Engaging in discourse around emotionally loaded topics and counteracting negative online interactions to foster positive, supportive online communities. 

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News & Media Literacy

Identifying credible sources and trustworthy information,  all while understanding the responsibilities of being both media creators and consumers.

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Resources for Students

Resources for Caregivers