Gifted and Talented

The Gifted and Talented program at Woodlynne School District uses multiple measures to identify if a student demonstrated higher level abilities. Below is a list of the progress indicators that are used (when available) to determine eligibility:

  • Reading, Math, Social Studies and Science Report Card Grades

  • iReady Reading and Math Diagnostic Scores

  • IRLA Reading Levels

  • NJSLA Reading and Math Scores

  • Teacher Recommendations

Woodlynne’s Gifted and Talented program offers students the opportunity to work on New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) aligned research projects. Assignments will require students to use higher level thinking skills to ask questions, research, plan ideas, write, and present their projects. It is our hope that students who participate in the gifted program will experience rich opportunities that will inspire their love of learning—both inside and outside the classroom, and throughout life.

At letter will be sent home to parents of children chosen for the program by mid October. The Gifted and Talented program will begin at the end of October. Specific dates and times will be in the letter.

Please refer to Policy 9130 for any Public Complaints and Grievances.

Additional Policies: