Welcome! I will be your Algebra I or Algebra II teacher this year and look forward to building your foundational math skills and preparing you for success as a young adult. I encourage you to come to class ready to engage with the material and your classmates. Our classroom will be centered around collaboration and being able to use each other as tools for success. It is my goal for every one of my students to succeed and further build a positive relationship with school and math while taking this course. I am always available for extra help and hope that you will advocate for yourself as assistance is needed. 

Wells High School Mission Statement

"Our mission is to empower all students through individualized instruction to become literate critical thinkers and problem solvers committed to civic engagement."

Course Materials

2023-2024 Teaching Schedule

Learning Resources

Jupiter Grades

Delta Math


Email: mpike@wocsd.org

*You can also contact me through Jupiter Grades messaging with any questions or concerns you may have. 

School Phone: 207-646-7011