WNESU Strategic Plan

WNESU Strategic Plan Summary - 2022-2025 Recovery Team

Background and Introduction

In March 2020, our community, our entire nation, was thrust into a global pandemic as a result of the spread of COVID-19 virus. As schools and our community emerged from the pandemic, we were tasked with developing Recovery Plans to address the loss of learning all of our students faced during school closures. Beginning in May of 2021 using the skills, knowledge, and commitment of a diverse group of stakeholders, the Recovery Team of the Windham Northeast Supervisory Union began the process of creating our Strategic Plan for post-pandemic support of highly effective daily teaching and learning. Our team was assembled at the direction of our Superintendent and included representation from the community, school boards, teachers, and administrators who worked closely through a process designed to provide vision for the immediate and long-term future to ensure all students graduate ready for college and career. With the help of our partner, Focused Schools, we were able to stick closely to the established steps and push the conversations into meaningful discourse in which respectful disagreement was a necessary tool to achieve each meeting's established goals. With a short period of time in which to work, the team responded with courage and urgency on behalf of the students we serve. This Recovery Plan, through Our Five Step Process, led us to develop our Strategic Plan to help guide us in our decision making to support students in the coming years. 

Who We Are: Windham Northeast Supervisory Union is located in southern Vermont and serves pre-k-12 students from multiple communities. All stakeholders including staff, families, and community members work collaboratively under the direction of four school boards serving seven schools. The events of the past year and a half have had a significant impact on our school and community. Through the creation of a Strategic Plan, our Recovery Team, as well as the entire school community, stand united and are equipped with a focus, goals, and supporting action steps to meet the needs of every student - no exception.

What We Believe: The WNESU staff are committed to delivering dynamic and effective instruction in caring and supportive classroom environments that provide equitable access to a rigorous curriculum designed to meet the needs of all students. As a part of the WNESU, we are committed to aligning all of our efforts to support the district’s Theory of Action which states:


Prioritized SU Goal

Prioritized Strategies/Change ideas

Goal 1 - Academic Achievement

100% of WNESU students will demonstrate grade-level proficiency in reading and math by third grade and maintain consistent growth toward grade-level goals through graduation as measured by state and local assessments.


1.1 WNESU will implement a Data-Driven Methodology in all schools to support student learning in the areas of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and elective course offerings by Fall 2025.

1.2 WNESU will provide innovative approaches to learning through the expansion of Inquiry-Based Learning opportunities for students in all our schools by Fall 2025.

1.3 WNESU will realize a measured increase in the number of students who are proficient on the MAPS and VT-CAP Exams by Fall 2025. 


Prioritized SU Goal

Prioritized Strategies/Change ideas

Goal 2 - Social Emotional Learning

All schools will achieve a 95% attendance rate while 100% of students will show growth toward grade-level appropriate engagement in learning as measured by data and surveys.

2.1 WNESU will implement trauma-informed practices for all students and staff in all schools by Fall 2025.

2.2 WNESU will develop a system to track students' social-emotional needs by Fall 2025.

2.3 WNESU will develop a student-centered, social, and emotional learning approach to teaching and discipline by Fall 2025.

2.4 WNESU will enhance and strengthen students' social-emotional needs across all grade levels and communities by Fall 2025.


Prioritized SU Goal

Prioritized Strategies/Change ideas

Goal 3 - Engagement

Through the effective implementation of a common approach to community building, 100% of students and families will report feeling safe, seen, and heard as measured by data, student and family surveys, and classroom observation.

3.1 WNESU will explore and expand non-traditional opportunities for students to accelerate learning through external partnerships that foster resilience, excellence, and community by Fall 2025.

3.2 WNESU will review and enhance all external communication efforts to support community partnerships (business, alumni, etc.) by Fall 2025.

3.3 WNESU will enhance internal communication efforts within and between schools and staff by Fall 2025.

3.4 WNESU will enhance and strengthen family engagement across all grade levels and communities by Fall 2025. 

3.5 WNESU will annually assess the SU’s responsiveness and efficacy around school culture, student engagement, family engagement, and community involvement beginning Fall 2025.

Goal 4 - Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Equity

WNESU will demonstrate financial accountability and resourcefulness with an ethic of care for students, staff, and community.

4.1 WNESU will develop a recruitment, retention, and compensation initiative to attract and retain high-quality diverse staff by Fall 2025.

4.2 WNESU will develop and implement an effective business model that promotes fiscal responsibility, the strategic use of technology, and the effective use of school buildings by Fall 2025.

4.3 WNESU will research and develop an equity model for allocating resources and providing support services to schools by Fall 2025.

4.4 WNESU will review K-12 programmatic offerings, grading procedures, standards-based reporting, and graduation requirements to ensure equity among all students by Fall 2025.