Patricia Murray

                           BFUHS Science

Courses: Forensics, Biology Honors, Chemistry, Marine Science

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Patricia Murray joined the Bellows Falls High School faculty in 2020 after 27 years of teaching science in the upper valley.  A graduate from the University of Montana with a BS in Biology and a BA in Education. She left Montana to come home to NH. During her tenure as a HQT professional, she has served as Science Department' Chair, Soccer coach, and  EarthBeat advisor.  Patricia’s professional development over the years led to courses hosted by College of the Atlantic with a special interest in Marine Biology. Her master’s finally culminated into a MEd. in Environmental Science from Plymouth State University in 2009.  

Patricia was recognized for an environmental citizenship Award sponsored by the James H Wood Foundation, Muller Family Foundation, and EarthWatch in 2003. As a recipient she traveled to New Zealand to join professors from Texas A&M University conducting field studies on the Dusky Dolphin. She is also a proud recipient of a "Fund for Teachers" Award taking her to the Cayman Islands to aid in the preservation of coral reefs field research.

An important aspect of her life is family, friends, and animals, both domestic and wild.  When Patricia is not caring for loved ones, working or volunteering with her students she is on the water. A long term certified lifeguard and pool director,  she enjoys swimming, kayaking, sailing, water skiing and aspires to get her scuba diving certification. 

Forensic Syllabus.2021

Forensics syllabus

Bio. Syllabus.2021

Biology Honors syllabus

Chemistry Syllabus.2024

Chemistry syllabus

Marine Biology Syllabus.2023

Marine Science