
The Agriculture Education Program is offered for students who are interested in agricultural careers. Classroom instruction focuses on scientific and economic principles relative to the agricultural industry. Students apply these principles through involvement in occupational experience programs (projects) and participation in leadership development activities. Most courses meet graduation requirements and several fulfill college admissions requirements. Classroom instruction is the cornerstone of our Agricultural Education Program. While content focuses on scientific and economic principles, directed laboratories emphasize hands-on learning. Students leave the program ready for entry-level employment and/or postsecondary education in agriculture or related fields.

Students taking agricultural courses will be expected to have a supervised occupational experience program (project) by the end of their first year in agriculture. Continuing students will be required to have an ongoing project. Projects may include plants, animals, mechanics, work experience and a variety of other activities that develop responsibility. SAE (supervised agricultural experience) involvement constitutes 10% of a student's semester grade. Leadership development is provided through membership in the Future Farmers of America. Leadership involvement includes regular meetings, public speaking, judging teams and other activities that develop cooperation. FFA participation constitutes 10% of a student's semester grade.