Miss Quinn's Kindergarten
If we use two snow days,a third will be considered a "remote" learning day.
You received a packet of instructions for this on 1/10/25.
Please refer to it.
Please join the ParentSquare app and allow notifications
Oquenock Elementary School 425 Spruce Avenue, West Islip, New York 11795 631 504-5660
Welcome K-kids and Families
I cannot wait to meet you! I hope you are having a happy and safe summer. This year will be exciting and fun for all of us!
Before you come to school, please practice carrying your backpack and opening your own lunchbox and snack containers.
If you want to buy lunch sometimes, the easiest thing to do is use a “MySchoolBucks” account (info found on district website) this
way you don’t have to worry about carrying cash. If you bring a lunch from home, please have your name on the outside of your
lunchbox. Also, please pack your snack for classroom snack time separate from your lunch – you can keep it in a brown bag, or a
special pocket of your backpack! Please put your name or initials on your beach towel. It will stay at school, unless it needs a
Love, Miss Quinn
P.S. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email or a message in the ParentSquare app (our messages are private), as I do periodically check both my school email and the app over the summer!