Asia Pacific Committee
IOIA APC is a regional committee of the IOIA (International Organic Inspectors Association), with members who have many years of experience in organic sectors in the region.
APC delivers trainings and other relevant services in Asia Pacific region, which can be online or face to face.
Training can be customized to specific requirements.
Basic Organic Inspector Training
Basic Crop Course
Basic Processing Course
Livestock Course
Train The Trainer
Training local representatives who can deliver training in local language in their region for organic inspectors, at local cost.
Grower Group Training
which can be customised to the requirements of
external inspectors
ICS/internal inspectors
Grower groups seeking to establish or improve their systems
PGS Groups
Organic Standards Update
Organic JAS
EFA (S.Korea)
Audit Trail Training
Traceability and Mass Balance Training
Suitable for ICS staff and external auditors
Biodiversity / Sustainability Requirements for Organic
Suitable for certification staff, external auditors, ICS staff and external auditors
To express interest, inquire about fee for service or to discuss a customised training event please contact IOIA.