CSIS Events


방과후 정보

Family Leave Form

2024-25 1학기 기도 안내

이번학기 기도 안내입니다

1. 이번학기 기도주간: 총13회 

08월25일(주일) ~  11월30일(토) 

2. 화요 기도 모임:

08월27일(화) - 나비드 지하 예배실 (오전 8:40)

3. 기도하는 엄마들 교육(3회) 안내:

이혜원 010.2789.4579로 신청바람

4. 개인 중보 기도실: 

기도실 예약 System 가입

기도실 예약


새벽 기도 확인서 제출 방법

확인서를 작성 / 서명해 주시고 확인서를 사진을 찍어 사모님 email (glee@withcsis.org)로 보내 주시기 바랍니다.


NOV 14 - Grandparents Day

Thursday November 14th

This Event will be put on by the Elementary School for parents and one of the student's grandparent to attend. 

In honor of the students' grandparents, they will interview one grandparent to learn about their personal lives but also the history of their family and Korea. 

After the interview is complete the students will prepare a special and surprise presentation for their grandparent to honor them.
This event will take place in the main building basement for 1st to 2nd grade and in Grace Chapel for 3rd to 5th grade.


NOV 15 - STEAM Fair

Regular school times for all MS and HS (8:30am - 3:20 pm dismissal)

No Regular Classes. Instead Students will work on STEAM projects for the day and present them.

More details will be shared directly through students.


NOV 22 - 초등 입학 설명회 / Elementary School Admission Process Briefing

대상: Prep - 5학년

Day and Time: Friday 10AM / 금요일 오전 10시

Location / 장소 : Grace Chapel 


DEC 16~20 - ELM Spirit Week

Spirit week will be a week with no school uniforms EXCEPT for the Music Concert Day. Students will be provided with a daily theme and will dress according to the theme. It is a week to come together in unity and pride for our school! Please use what you have at home to join in the festivities!

즐거운 월요일 - (성경, 이야기, 영화 속에서 좋아하는 크리스마스 캐릭터처럼 입으세요!
예: 예수님 탄생 장면, 그린치, 눈사람, 엘사)

반짝반짝 화요일 - (반짝이는 액세서리나 옷을 입으세요)

윈터 수요일 - (겨울 옷을 입으세요: 모자, 양말, 스웨터)

목요일의 빨강과 초록 파티 - (빨강초록을 입으세요)
포근포근 금요일 - (잠옷을 입고 인형 친구를 데려오세요)  


DEC 19 CSIS Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert 

벌써 2024년을 마무리 하는 12월이 다가오고 있습니다

올해부터 가을학기에 초등/중고등 공연이 없습니다 

봄학기 6월에 Annual TFT Celebration week 에 

부서별 공연/발표가 있을 예정입니다. 

CSIS Symphony Orchestra(중고등 오케스트라)가 

Christmas Concert 를 주최해서

초등/중고등 대상 관람으로 Serving 하게 됩니다. 

공연일정: 12월 19일 Grace Chapel 

공연 duration: 45 분 

오전공연: 초등 대상 10:40

오후 공연: 중고등 대상 1:10

오전/오후 공연에 여유 좌석이 20 석 정도 예상 됩니다.

예약 없이 자유롭게 오셔서 관람 가능 하십니다 

(여유 자리가 없을 경우 입석 관람가능)

공연문의: 문인영 교사 annamoon202@gmail.com

December, the end of 2024, is approaching

There will be no elementary/middle/high school performances in the fall semester starting this year

There will be performances/presentations during the Annual TFT Celebration week in June of the spring semester.

The CSIS Symphony Orchestra (middle/high school orchestra) will host a Christmas Concert

Serving elementary/middle/high school audiences.

Performance schedule: December 19 Grace Chapel

Performance duration: 45 minutes

                                                              Elementary Department 10:40 am

 Middle/high school Department 1:10 pm

There are expected to be about 20 seats available

You can come and watch without a reservation

(If there are no seats available, standing is available)

Performance inquiries: Anna Moon  :   annamoon202@gmail.com


JAN 20~22 - Symphony Orchestra In-School Camp

Anna Moon / 문인영 선생님 010-7353-0991

JAN 20~27 - SALT: Study and learning Trip (Seniors)

To be announced:



*** FEB 3 - First day of 2nd Semester ***

FEB 5~7 - Spiritual Retreat

To be announced:



FEB 13 - College Prep Middle School 

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: 1PM to 3PM 

Info: TBD 


FEB 20 - College Prep High School 

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: 1PM to 3PM 

Info: TBD 


*** MAR 3 - 3.1절 Independence Movement Day Holiday ***

MAR 06 - College Prep Elementary School 

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: 1PM to 3PM 

Info: TBD 


MAR 11 - High / Middle School - Class Observation

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


MAR 12 - Elementary School - Class Observation 

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


MAR 17 ~21 - High / Middle School PTC (Parent Teacher Conference)

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


MAR 17 ~28 - Elementary School PTC (Parent Teacher Conference)

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


APR 18 - Elementary School Sport Day

Half Day Elementary School ONLY

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


*** APR 19 ~ 27 Easter Break  ***

*** MAY 5 ~6 Children's Day / Buddha's Birthday Holiday  ***

MAY 19 ~23 - Boot Camp - 8th Grade

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


MAY 20 ~23 - Walking Camp

To be announced:

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


MAY 29 - Transition Informational - Primary to Secondary School

To be announced: 5th Grade Students and Parents

Location: TBD

Time: 4PM

Info: TBD 


*** JUN 6 Memorial Day Holiday  ***

JUN 16 ~ 18 - Final Exams - Secondary School

To be announced: TBD

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


JUN 19 ~ 23 - Festival Week

To be announced: TBD

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


JUN 20 - Celebration of Learning

To be announced: TBD

Location: TBD

Time: 7PM - 9PM

Info: TBD 


JUN 24 - High School Graduation

To be announced: TBD

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


JUN 25 - Elementary School Graduation - 9:30AM

To be announced: Half Day for ELM School

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


JUN 25 - Middle School Graduation - 2:00PM

To be announced: TBD

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

Info: TBD 


*** JUN 26 Last Day of Semester  ***

*** DEC 20 - Last Day of 1st Semester ***

Seasons of Christmas Orchestra Concert A3 Poster.pdf