
Achieving a Culture of Togetherness and Support

What's the Wiseburn ACTS Committee?

WUSD is committed to supporting a community where every student, family, teacher, and staff member feels seen and supported. As part of this commitment, Wiseburn ACTS (Achieving a Culture of Togetherness and Support) is a committee whose members strive to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) so that every single person feels valued and respected.

Engage. Empower. Elevate.

Share Your Story!

Share pictures and other documents of your celebrations and activities. Follow us on Instagram @wiseburnacts to learn from and engage in Wiseburn's rich diversity.

Monthly Community Share Activity!

Each month, ACTS presents an activity for all students, families, and employees to share experiences and learn about each other. Check it out, share with us, and follow us @wiseburnacts to see what student are saying.