Informed by Data

Data to Guide Instructional Technology

Blended Learning enables teachers to match the right student with the right content at the right time to provide a more personalized classroom experience to best fulfill the needs of the learner.  With a focus on data to guide instruction, teachers are able to create fluid, flexible student-ability groupings.  Online learning assists with managing student data. A focus on data to guide instruction will result in a a school culture and climate dedicated to continuous student improvement.  

The Weslaco ISD Technology Department is committed to high-quality and innovative technology use to support the goal of matching the right online experience for the learner and teacher.   Data is gathered from students, parents, educators, and community members to provide the best instructional technology experience for our WISD stakeholders. Once this data is collected, the results are analyzed to guide how to help our teachers and students reach their goals.  

The two free and confidential online surveys provide ways for students, parents, and educators to participate in decisions about technology use at WISD.

Project Tomorrow Survey 

For the last 10 years we have been collecting student data via the Project Tomorrow SpeakUp survey. This data provides information about the role of technology for learning in and out of school.  This survey is closed. Click on the image below to review the data for 2017-2018.

SpeakUp logo

Click on Speak Up image for more information about Project .

BrightBytes Survey

New to WISD as a way to gather data about technology use, Brightbytes provides data about where the district and campuses are currently at with technology use and where WISD needs to focus more attention.  Data from Brightbytes is a "reflection of what is right now, compared to where we were, and then guides with insights and research to where we want to be."  Brightbytes data links technology to learning!

BrightBytes logo

Click on BrightBytes image for more information.