Aspire Summer Institute

June 15-19, 2020 | Synchronous & Asynchronous Online Sessions

The Aspire Summer Institute (ASI) for STEM Faculty and Faculty Developers will provide participant teams with the unique opportunity ‘to retreat, reflect and act’ in order to better support campus diversity and inclusion efforts through teaching, research mentoring, advising and leadership roles, especially during this unprecedented time of social distancing. The ASI will provide STEM faculty and faculty developers with the knowledge, practice and resources to create a more diverse and inclusive STEM community at their institution. This no-cost virtual institute is sponsored by the NSF INCLUDES Aspire Alliance.

The Aspire Summer Institute for STEM Faculty and Faculty Developers

The Aspire Summer Institute (ASI) for STEM Faculty and Faculty Developers will use a framework that engages faculty and faculty developers in the development of foundational skills. Using Aspire's literature-based Inclusive Faculty Framework, participants will engage with diversity scholars and thought leaders to expand their expertise in inclusive teaching, advising, research mentoring, collegiality and leadership. These skills contribute to increased success of URG students and inclusive climates within the institution.

The ASI will take place from Monday, June 15th, 2020 to Friday, June 19th, 2020. Throughout the virtual institute, participants will enjoy a mix of synchronous, online activities and asynchronous, individual and team work. Each day will include asynchronous and synchronous online sessions from roughly 11-5:30 PM ET / 10 AM-4:30 PM CT / 9 AM -3:30 PM MT / 8 AM-2:30 PM PT, with breaks between activities.

What will you do and learn?

Participants of the Aspire Summer Institute (ASI) for STEM Faculty and Faculty Developers can expect to engage in unique presentations, discussions, case-based scenarios, role plays, and individual and group reflection. Facilitators will guide participants in using Aspire's Inclusive Faculty Framework to think about identity, culture, and relationships broadly, and then bridge those ideas into practical applications for the numerous roles of faculty. Participants will complete the institute with an institutional goal statement, personal and campus-level action plans, timelines for implementation, and access to resources and support contributed by institute facilitators to begin a learning community for continuing practice at their institution.

Learning outcomes for the Aspire Summer Institute.

Who should attend?

The Aspire Summer Institute (ASI) for STEM Faculty and Faculty Developers is designed for participants who are interested in learning how to further incorporate inclusive practices in their work. The curriculum is applicable to both STEM faculty who are interested in being thought leaders and change agents, as well as STEM faculty developers who serve as capacity builders creating training programs locally. Teams from Aspire IChange institutions that pair a faculty member and a faculty developer will be prioritized, as these pairs will be well situated to consider how to incorporate what they have learned into their institution’s current faculty professional development activities. However, all registrations are welcome. There will be no cost associated with the ASI for participants as the Aspire Alliance is fully supporting the cost of registration. Registration closes on Friday, May 22nd, 2020. We will notify registrants by Wednesday, May 27th, 2020 if they have been accepted to participate in the ASI.

How are we defining STEM?

We are defining STEM fields as those including mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, computer and information sciences, and the social and behavioral sciences – psychology, economics, sociology, and political science.

**Registration is now closed for this year's Aspire Summer Institute. If you would like to receive information about possible future offerings, please complete the form below**