Allison Byars
I am a fifth year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying mathematics. My research is in nonlinear dispersive PDEs and my advisor is Mihaela Ifrim. My graduate minor is in Education, as I'm also very passionate about teaching!
I am originally from Southern California and completed my undergraduate at North Dakota State University. Outside of math I like to run, boulder, and knit.
Office: Van Vleck 518
Global Dynamics of small data solutions to the Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Mathematics of Wave Phenomena, Karlsruhe, Germany, Feb 2025
Global Dynamics of small data solutions to the Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
AMS Western Sectional, Riverside, CA, October 2024
Global Dynamics of small data solutions to the Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Nonlinear Waves and relativity, ESI, Vienna, May 2024
Dispersive PDEs and long time behavior of DNLS
Graduate Analysis and PDE Seminar, UW-Madison, April 2024
Bootstrap Principle in Dispersive PDEs
Gmmaw Lightning Talk, April 2024, slides
Overview of Dispersive PDEs
UW-Madison Visit Day, March 2024, slides
Spring School on Soliton Dynamics, Texas A&M, March 2024, slides
Dispersive Decay for the Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Specialty Exam, UW-Madison, October 2023
Low Regularity Well-Posedness of the Benjamin-Ono Equation, February 2023
Women in Nonlinear Dispersive PDEs, Banff , February 2023
Sheeps and Wolves
Math Circle, October 2021
A Proof of the Strichartz Inequality
Graduate Analysis seminar, November 2021
I am one of the organizers and founders (with Summer Al Hamdani) of GAPS! In this seminar, graduate students in Analysis and PDEs give talks about their research, a result they use in their research, or something they find interesting. The goal is to have accessible talks so that first and second years can also participate and get to know what people in the department are working on.
I co-organize GmMaW (with Amelia Stokolosa and Gabriela Brown), a group which is a supportive place for gender minorities in math and seeks to grow this community through events and outreach.
I co-organize the DRP, which pairs undergraduates with a graduate mentor for a semester long reading project. I also lead a DRP project in the Spring of 2022, where we read Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry
Other Service:
I was a mentor for Girls math night, where I meet weekly with a high schooler to discuss topics not usually covered in school. Currently we are reading about metric spaces.
I served on the Committee for TA Policies and Procedures (CTAPP), where we reviewed TAs to make sure they are doing well, address any concerns about TAs, and decide on departmental TA awards. We occasionally also met to discuss changes to TA requirements.
I also serve on the Graduate Program Committee (GPC), where we make decisions about the graduate program such as course offerings/qualifying exams, new graduate courses being offered, minor requirements, etc.