Ms. Maskalis

Business Education

Welcome to Business Education!

My name is Ms. Maskalis. I have been a middle school/high school teacher for 16 years, this being my 6th year at Wilson Area High School. I teach a variety of Business Education classes including Personal Finance, Google Apps, Computer Programming, Introduction to Business, Introduction to Computers, and Keyboarding. I am excited to teach and learn from your child and am looking forward to our school year together.

All of my lesson plans, assignments, materials, and resources can be accessed through Google Classroom. Please use your child's school login to access our Classroom. There is a wealth of information there!

If you would like to contact me, you can do so through the following ways:

Email -

Google Chat (through your child's account)

Zoom Office Hours:

If you need to schedule a meeting at a different time, please contact me and we can arrange a ZOOM meeting that fits your schedule.

Class Schedule:

1st Semester:

  • Period 1 (ODD DAYS)(7:40-9:05): Keyboarding

  • Period 2 (EVEN DAYS)(7:40-9:05): Prep

  • Period 3 (ODD DAYS)(9:10-10:35): Intro to Business

  • Period 4 (EVEN DAYS) (9:10-10:35): Personal Finance Money Management

  • Period 5 (ODD DAYS)(10:40-12:35): Intro to Business

  • Period 6 (EVEN DAYS)(10:40-12:35): Personal Finance Money Management

  • Period 7 (ODD DAYS)(12:40-2:05) Study Hall Duty

  • Period 8 (EVEN DAYS)(12:40-2:05): Keyboarding

  • Cyber Intro to Business

2nd Semester:

  • Period 1 (ODD DAYS)(7:40-9:05): Computer Programming

  • Period 2 (EVEN DAYS)(7:40-9:05): Prep

  • Period 3 (ODD DAYS)(9:10-10:35): Personal Finance Money Management

  • Period 4 (EVEN DAYS) (9:10-10:35): Intro to Business

  • Period 5 (ODD DAYS)(10:40-12:35): Personal Finance Money Management

  • Period 6 (EVEN DAYS)(10:40-12:35): Intro to Computers

  • Period 7 (ODD DAYS)(12:40-2:05) Study Hall Duty

  • Period 8 (EVEN DAYS)(12:40-2:05): Google Apps

  • Cyber Personal Finance Money Management

Use the links on the left to navigate this website. Included on this website are links to the lesson plans for all of the listed classes as well as a link for Google Classroom. We will utilize Google Classroom for all assignments that are due for each of the above listed classes.

I look forward to working with each and every one of you to make this a successful school year!

Ms. Maskalis

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail at

Maskalis Class Schedule 2021-2022