Phi Delta Sigma
Wilmington High School
Scholastic Honor Society
What is Phi Delta Sigma?
Wilmington High School's
First Academic Achievement Honor Society
From funds raised in our very own community, more than
$333,175 in scholarships
has been awarded to over 806 seniors from WHS since 1957.
Type "Scholastic Achievement Council" in the Search Box at the Bottom of the Donation Page.
The History
Over sixty years ago, a group of Wilmington citizens shared a vision of promoting and celebrating academic achievement at Wilmington High School. They created the Scholastic Achievement Council and the first academic achievement honor society at WHS.
Each year, deserving students from all four grades who meet the rigorous academic standards are recognized during a Spring convocation.
The council also awards scholarships to those graduating seniors who have qualified each year in high school.
Who Qualifies?
WHS Students Who Earn High Grades
Students can qualify each year during their high school experience. The requirements are reconsidered each year by the Scholastic Achievement Council and in collaboration with WHS teachers and administrators.
2023-24 Criteria
Be considered a "full-time" student
Earn As and Bs on the report card (C, D, or F grades will disqualify a student regardless of GPA. This includes weighted classes; if the report card says a C, D, or F, the student is disqualified.)
An average 3.5+ for Quarter 1, 2, & 3
An average 3.5+ for Winter Exams
An average 3.5+ for 2023-24 cumulative GPA
2022-23 Criteria
Be considered a "full-time" student
Pass all classes and exams - No failing grades on the report card
An average 3.5+ for Each Quarter 1, 2, & 3
An average 3.5+ for Winter Exams
An average 3.5+ for 2022-23 cumulative GPA
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