Level 3:

 Teacher Kim

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

8:30-9:30 a.m.

spelling list

To listen, 

click here. 

In sentences, click here.

May Computer Skills: 

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Keyboarding Skills: 

Video 1

Video 2

Practice typing here.

May Theme: 

Around Town

May Past Tense Verbs: Click here.

May Homophones

May Homophones

Homophone Review on Quizlet:

May click here

Listen to:

May Conversations:

Week 3

Conversation Practice

May Week 1

A: What’d ya do this weekend?

B: I went to a few rummage sales. 

A: What are rummage sales?

B: People sell their used things from their garages or other places in the 


A: Oh! Are they also called garage sales?

B: Yep. It’s a great way to save money and the environment.

A: Did ya get that shirt at a rummage sale?

B: I did, and it only cost a buck.

A: Wow, that’s a great deal. Call me sometime so I can go with you to a 

    rummage sale.

B: I will. It’s really a lot of fun to find such great deals on things that I can use.

Week 2

A: Let's go to a movie.

B: I don’t think so.

A: Why not?

B: You know I don't like crowds.

A: We could go to a matinee.

B: Okay, that won't be very crowded. Also matinees are cheaper.   

A: What do ya wanna see?

B: Oh, I don't care. This was your idea.

A: Well, I want to see The Pursuit of Happiness.

B: What’s that about?

A: It's based on a true story about a divorced man and his young son.

B: Well, I hope it has a happy ending.

Week 1

A: What’d ya do this weekend?

B: I went to a few rummage sales. 

A: What are rummage sales?

B: People sell their used things from their garages or other places in the 


A: Oh! Are they also called garage sales?

B: Yep. It’s a great way to save money and the environment.

A: Did ya get that shirt at a rummage sale?

B: I did, and it only cost a buck.

A: Wow, that’s a great deal. Call me sometime so I can go with you to a 

    rummage sale.

B: I will. It’s really a lot of fun to find such great deals on things that I can use.

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