More Read-alouds

Tiny and the Big Dig.webm

Listen to Miss Tammy read Tiny and the Big Dig by Sherri Dusky Rinker.

Tiny y la Gran Excavación por Sherry Duskey Rinker.webm

Listen to Miss Silvia read Tiny and the Big Dig by Sherri Dusky Rinker en Espanol.

Just Joking 2Grp 1.webm
JustJoking2 Grp3.mp4

#Share the laughs, not the virus:

Miss Amanda shares some jokes!

Mrs. Haro and Letty pop in for a few more!

The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors - Google Slides.webm

Mrs. Brunelle and her son, AJ, read The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors by Drew Daywalt, pictures by Adam Rex.

Spanish Version_La leyenda de Piedra, Papel, Tijera por Drew Deywalt, Ilustrado por Adam Rex. .webm

Miss Silvia (Mrs. Silvia Zubke): Spanish Version_La leyenda de Piedra, Papel, Tijera por Drew Deywalt, Ilustrado por Adam Rex.

The Dinkey Donkey.webm

Listen to Miss Tammy read The Dinkey Donkey by Craig Smith.

La burrita por Craig Smith, Ilustrado por Katz Cowley.webm

Listen to Miss Silvia read The Dinkey Donkey by Craig Smith.