#Spread the laughs, not the virus

Just Joking 2Grp 1.webm
JustJoking2 Grp3.mp4

#Spread the laughs, not the virus:

Miss Amanda shares some jokes!

And Mrs. Haro and Letty pop in for a few more

The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors - Google Slides.webm

Mrs. Brunelle and her son, AJ, read The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors by Drew Daywalt, pictures by Adam Rex.

Spanish Version_La leyenda de Piedra, Papel, Tijera por Drew Deywalt, Ilustrado por Adam Rex. .webm

Miss Silvia (Mrs. Silvia Zubke): Spanish Version_La leyenda de Piedra, Papel, Tijera por Drew Deywalt, Ilustrado por Adam Rex.