2nd Grade

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OR click on the picture!

Need Help?

Here is how you use Abdo Digital Bookshelf

Sloth Slept On 1.webm

Presented by Mrs. Steele

El perezoso dormilon por Frann Preston-Gannon .webm
Versión en español presentada por la Sra. Zubke

Library Lessons

Visit your Google Classroom site for lessons and activities.

Visit the following pages for more read-aloud stories!

Can you rise to the challenge??

1. Read 20 books before May 20th!

    • It can be any book from the free ABDO Digital Library (check it out above).
    • OR a book you have at home.

2. You can read it alone, read it with someone, or have it read to you.

3. Once you have finished, fill out a google form that will be posted in your Google Classroom.

If you complete the challenge, you will get a nifty 20 book challenge badge AND be entered in a drawing for an Edison Robot! (1 winner per grade level)

If you have any questions feel free to email Mrs. Steele


Happy reading!

Watch this video to learn how to get started (English Version)

Untitled: Mar 29, 2020 1:50 PM.webm

Click this picture

to go to the Code.org site

You can change the language of Code.org lessons by going to the bottom of the page and using the button to switch from English to many other languages

Mire este video para aprender cómo comenzar

Untitled: Mar 29, 2020 1:55 PM.webm

Haga clic en esta imagen para ir al sitio español de Code.org

Puede cambiar el idioma de Code.org yendo al final de la página y usando el botón para cambiar del inglés a muchos otros idiomas

Common Sense Media Lesson One: Watch Video and complete the Pause and Think Moment

Medios de sentido común Lección uno: mira el video y completa el momento de pausa y reflexión

Common Sense Media Lesson Two: Watch Video and complete the Pause and Think Moment

Medios de sentido común Lección dos: Vea el video y complete el Pausa y el Momento para pensarn