Governing Board at WDPS

The Governing Board's role is to establish strategic direction, ensure accountability and oversee financial performance.

Our governors represent many parts of the community. We have parent governors, community governors, staff governors and local authority governors.

Governors perform a critical role. Their responsibilities are varied. They help set the school’s budget, ratify school policies, agree staffing and curriculum matters and support the Head Teacher and staff in discharging their duties.

Each year the governing body selects an aspect of the school for a particular focus. They visit classes and meet with teachers to learn more about the school.

Committee Structure and Membership

Becoming a School Governor

Becoming a school governor gives you the opportunity to positively influence how a school is run for the benefit of its pupils. 

Qualities of a school governor

You do not have to have formal qualifications, but your skills and experience will be taken into consideration. Commitment to the role is very important.

To be an effective governor you need to:

School Governance Information

Get in touch

To contact the chair of governors.

To contact the school about becoming a governor.