Wilkinson Primary School


Newsletter Number 28, Winter 2022

Welcome to Our Newsletter

It’s hard to believe that we are already a third of the way through the school year! The children have made good progress and had lots of great experiences during this term.

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and we hope for a healthy New Year.

Please scroll down to read the reports or click on an item in the menu below to go straight to the report you wish to read.

In this Issue:


It is with great sadness that we have to report on the news of the passing of one of our Nursery children. Vinnie–Jai slipped away peacefully surrounded by his family.

During his short time at Wilkinson, Vinnie-Jai was the life and soul of Early Years and always wore a beaming smile that brightened the day for everyone.

Wilkinson will miss him greatly.

Holiday Club


80 children have received their Bronze Attendance Award this term after attending every day since September! Well done!


Thank you for all of your kind donations this year. As a school we have raised: £212 for Children in Need and £200 National Flood Forum. Every Family Counts have also been very grateful for your generous food donations. £800 was also raised for the Air Ambulance and Get Kids Going.

T42s Nursery Rhymes

On Friday 4th November, Terrific for Twos invited their parents to take part in a communication session. The children enjoyed talking about all the different Nursery Rhymes they have been learning.

Amour and her Mommy helped put the 5 cheeky monkeys to bed, whilst Luca helped Humpty Dumpty build a new wall.

Nursery Handwashing

Nursery enjoyed a visit from Nurse Julie and Felly! She told us how to wash our hands correctly, making sure we washed all of our fingers and thumbs! Miss Dudley took part in an experiment to see how well she washed her hands. She put some special cream on her hands and then put them under a UV light to see the parts she missed when she washed them with soap and water. Miss Dudley did very well!! Nurse Julie also spoke to us about brushing our teeth and how to keep them clean and healthy.

Reception Grandparents' Day

We had a wonderful afternoon with our Grandparents. We spent time playing games, doing crafts and sharing interests.

Lola-Grace said "It was fun, he got me a cake!"

Zyah said "I liked playing Connect 4 with my Nanny."

We look forward to welcoming Grandparents in to school again in the Spring Term.

Year 1 Games Day

This term Year 1 have been exploring toys from different decades. We have been comparing toys from Victorian times with toys from today. To showcase our work, we had a games day with our family members and played with lots of different toys and games.

What a fun day we had! By Aafiya

World War 2

The topic of World War 2 was really interesting because we learnt lots about the war. We really enjoyed learning about the gas masks used in the war and making the war time meal of Bread and Butter pudding.

On the 18th of November we showed our parents what we had been learning this term about World War 2. We sang and marched to ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ and ‘Pack Up Your Troubles’. We showed our parents the work we completed this term. We had fun doing all of the work.

Year 3's Stone Age Museum

Over the term, Year 3 have been busy researching and discovering all about the Stone Age. We used all of our work to create a museum for everyone to come and visit. We displayed Stone Age clay pots, posters, cave paintings, jewellery, Tal-y-llyn plaques, felt and artefacts. Children from across the school came to our museum and we became museum guides explaining all about the Stone Age.

Mrs Austin was amazed by the knowledge the children shared and was very impressed by the artefacts and work on display.

Brooklyn “ I had to explain how to make the pots and I told them how I change the Gingerbread story into a Stone Age story.”

Rio “I enjoyed telling the children about how we made the Tal-y-llyn plaque.”

Isabelle “I liked showing the children the pots and telling them how we made them.”

Year 4 Do Something New

Year 4 children are always excited to come back from lunch on a sunny (or rainy) Tuesday! That is because they have DSN, which stands for Do Something New. The children all had a group of either: archery (with Mr Hodges), cooking (with Miss Price and Mrs Anderson) or science (Mrs Bowen).

In archery, Mr Hodges explained about how the use the equipment safely and how to perfect grouping on the target.

Meanwhile, in Miss Price’s and Mrs Anderson’s group, the children were making delicious Roman solider gingerbread men and decorated them with icing.

In Mrs Bowen’s group, the children were drawing big dots on filter paper with felt pen. They then got out dropping pipettes and dropped two drops on to the felt pen, and WOW, it spread out revealing lots of vibrant colours!

Year 5 Viking Workshop

Year 5 had an outstanding visitor called Kath who came to teach us all about Viking life. She told us what Vikings would eat, what they would grow on their farms and taught us that Vikings weren’t just about war and invading! Kath allowed us to hold some of the weapons that the Vikings would have used in deadly, dangerous battles.

Kath decorated the classroom with Viking artefacts and allowed us use them after explaining their use.

During the afternoon, we had multiple Viking activities. We played different games and had chance to hold a shield, spear or sword and chainmail!

Afterwards, we had Viking training before Year 5 split into groups to see who could do the loudest march and who could perform the best shield wall!

Y6's Amazing Outcome

In preparation for our outcome, we went to Bewdley to learn about floods and defences for them. We also got to see how the water defences are made.

On Wednesday 16th November, our outcome day was here. We started our amazing outcome by doing the thunderous storm extravaganza using our body parts. We created many different sounds to represent the storm like: whistling into our hands, rubbing our hands together, striking pipes together, clicking our fingers, tapping our thighs and some instruments.

After we did our thunderous storm extravaganza, we went in different classes to present our spectacular storm dragon, which was a poem. The first verse started quietly but as we went on with the poem it became louder and louder until the middle verse, then it began to fade away until the storm dragon had concluded. Some of the pupils were brave enough to say a few lines in front of the parents/guardians.

Finally, we got to show the adults all of the impressive work that we had created over the term. We also sold some of our work including our creative writing and bookmarks to raise £200 for the National Flood Forum, who have put an article about us in their magazine.

Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fayre this year was a big success! Thank you to everyone that attended and for your kind donations. All money raised will allow the children to experience the wider curriculum and enjoy events like their Christmas party. We hope that you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did!

Sports Report


The Cross Country Club continued to train twice a week throughout the whole term with approximately 50 runners completing the training each week. We have held an Inter-House Competition – the first one of the year – which was won by Red House. Well done Red House!! The next Inter-House competition will be in the Spring Term.

We had an Inter-School Relay Competition at Fordhouses Cricket Club on the 19th October. The children were in teams of 4 with two boys and two girls in each team. The children ran brilliantly coming 2nd overall. The next race will be at the end of January. Well done to all our runners. We are very proud of you all!


The Mixed and Girls Football teams have had an incredible start to the season. Both teams have a 100% record and have scored 28 goals and conceeded none! A fantastic achievement, well done to all our future England stars... who needs Phil Foden?

Mixed Team

Loxdale 0 : 4 Wilkinson

Wilkinson 9 : 0 Lanesfield 0

Girls Team

Wilkinson 8 : 0 St. Patrick's

Lanesfield 0 : 7 Wilkinson

School Council Report

Once again, the School Council have been able to begin their weekly meetings to discuss and solve issues of interest to the pupils. The School Councillors were chosen by their classes voting. There is one School Councillor per class but for this year we also included the children who were voted for last year. The three House Captains take it in turns to lead the meetings and to organise the pupils to make sure the School Council achieve their goals.

The goals for this term are to develop more awareness of re-cycling that we can complete within the school. This has involved making films to promote re-cycling, labels of items that can be re-cycled, organising collection points for used felt tip pens and designing a collection box for used crisp packets that we begin to re-cycle after Christmas.

After Christmas, we hope to continue to promote re-cycling by holding an assembly, putting the crisp packet collection points in the hall at lunch time and displaying the posters and the labels made by the School Council.