Ancient Egyptians 


1799 it was found in 1749 and took twenty years to translate. The rosetta stone has 3 languages and they are not all from Egypt.The Rosetta stone is contained hieroglyph script that specialists were able to decode it.The Egyptians wrote the name of their king or queen inside an oval shape and called a called a cartouche. The top and middle texts written in ancient Egypt and the bottom is written in ancient greek.There are over 2000 letter in Egypt alphabet.The word hieroglyphic means scared or special carving.


To get to the afterlife in your tomb you will need some shabit  dolls on modles of sevents to help you get to the afterlife.Before putting the desist in the tomb ,you do the opening of the mouth ceremony.So the soul will fly back in.How to get to the afterlife, before your body is in the tomb a person that opening the mouth ceremony.Now your spirit is free and your spirit can enter your body re-enter your body now may g to the under-world and  your soul may go but theres one firece creature guarding the gates and its tricky.You get with ra to osiris god of the under-world he lets you enter the afterlife.


The body should be taken to the beautiful house and wash it.  One canopic jars looks  like a man one looks like bird  another one dog and a goat. They would take your lungs , intestines, liver and kidneys out an put them in canopic jars. |They would  put an amulet in the body and put the scarab beetle  on the top of the heart the book of the dead is placed on top of the heart.Put the hook up the noes and whisk the brain with the hook an rip it out.Cover the body with natron and leave it clean the body with wine and water from the river nile. Add perfume and spices also perfume is added because its to make it smell excellent.


The step pyramid looks like like it has steps on it. The bent pyramid is a pyramid but is bent. The great pyramid is small.  The mastaba is very huge and tall. The bent pyramid is a weird shape pyramid. The mastaba is tall and huge and inside is gigantic. The top of the mastaba pyramid is sharp as a claw.The step pyramid is like a sand and its soul of sand bricks. these only 4 pyramids.