Ancient Egyptians

How do you get to the afterlife?

In the tomb  there are items. One of them are shabti dolls symbols representing assistantsts. After mummification the Egyptians  believed that  the soul travels  to  afterlife. The soul had to pass through the underworld . This how the soul got to the afterlife . The items that was placed in the tomb will be usefull in the afterlife . There is a special ceremony "Opening of the mouth " that will be preformed after the mouth opens . The spirit will go through the underworld they call it the "Duat"with gates of fire with a few firce,scary monsters.The "Book  of the Dead" there are spells and prayers , you will use them to get past .Now you will be at the hall of Ma'at . There are 42 mummifacatid gods that'll rate your life ,you wont tell each of them the sins saying you havent done any of them .As the scarab beetle on the heart it wont reveal any sins. Currently ,the heart is againts Ma'ats beatifull shiny,gold feather .If if is heavier your heart will be devourd by he evil god ammit , If it is lighter you will pass. You must go to Ra witch takes you to Osiris ( the god of the underworld ) he will ley you know if you may pass to the afterlife. you will go to the "Field of reeds" , your shabti dolls will look after your plot.

Different Gods and Godesses

There were over one thousand Gods and Goddesses. Each God an Goddess had a different job! The Ancient Egyptian people would pray to a God or Goddess to ask for help or advice.

Ra God of creation

osiris=the god of fertility 

ma'at=The god of truth and  justice.

Set=the god of the desert,storms,disorder and chaos.

Amun=The god of the air and the creator god.

Thoth=The god of the moon,mathematics,science and sacred texts.

Mummification Stepsk

First of all, take the dirty, dead  body to the Beautiful House. Then wash the body with  icy water and sticky sweet palm wine.

Secondly, gently take out the bloody red and pink organs such as the stomach, lungs, liver and intestines. Also wash the organs with icy, cold water then put them in  canopic jars.

After that, gat a brown, long hook and then delicately put it up the nose and whisk the hook when it is mushy and then pull it out and then throw it away. Then fill the dead body with white natron (salt) then leave the body there for neatly for 50 days to dry out suck out all the moisture.

 50 days later, wash the deceased body again with icy, cool and cold water from the River Nile.

Finally, cover the linen and then use some more long, thin, stretchy and white linen to place patterned, colourful and place a scarab beetle amulet on the heart and place the Book of  the Dead to have a safe ride to the Afterlife but before you put the linen in the body to make it smell absolutely pleasant.

The amazing pyramids

pyramids were built to berry pharous . Another world for a pyramid is a tomb. The first pyramids was built in 26500BCE .  

The second pyramid was built in 2000BCIE The amazing bent pyramid was built in 2590BCE      

The great pyramid witch is the newest one was built in 2510.  The pyramids are one of the biggest human built struchsures  ,the Egyptians had no crains so the stones were pulled up a ramp.


Hieroglyphics are symbols the Egyptians used for writing words.

The word 'Hieroglyphic' means sacred or special.

For thousands of years, people couldn't read Hieroglyphics.

In 1799 the Rosseta stone was found.

The  were three languages on the stone.

They were, Ancient Greek, Hieroglyphics and Hieratics.

Because, the people could read Ancient Greek they could read Hieroglyphics.

It took twenty years to translate the Hieroglyphics.

Sometimes they wrote the hieroglyphics left and right or top to bottom it depended on how much space they had.

The Hieroglyphics gave many clues to how the Egyptians lived and the things they believed in.

Hieroglyphics are made up of pictures and carvings.

Hieroglyphics are on walls at every temple in Egypt.