Ancient Egyptians

How do you get in the Afterlife?

In the tomb, inside there are items, which one is, Shabti Dolls models representing assistants. 

After mummification, the Egyptians believed that the soul travels to the Afterlife. To get to the Afterlife the soul had to pass through the underworld (Duat). This is how the soul got to the Afterlife:

How do you translate Hieroglyphics?

Hieroglyphics are symbols that the Ancient Egyptains used for words. The word Hieroglyphic means sacred or special. For thousands of years people couldn't read Hieroglyphics . In 1799 the Rosetta stone was discovered. There were 3 languages on the Rosetta stone . They were called Ancient Greek, Ancient Hieroglyphics and Ancient Hieratics. Because the people could read Ancient Greek  they could translate Hieroglyphics .It took 20 years to read Hieroglyphics. Sometimes they wrote the Hieroglyphics left and  right or top to bottom it depended on how much space they had on the Papyrus paper. The Hieroglyphics gave many clues to how the Egyptans lives and the things they believed in. Hieroglyphics are made up of pictures and carvings. Hieroglyphics are on walls in every temple in Egypt.


There were over one thousand Gods and Goddesses. Each god and goddess had a different job! Ancient Egyptian people pray to a god or goddess ask for help or advice!

Osirs=the God of fertility

Maat = the God of truth and justice 

set=The god  of  the desert, storms, disorder and chaos.  

Amun= The god of the air  and  the air and the creator god.

Thoth= The god of the moon , mathematics  , science and sacred texts.




How do you mummify a person?

The pyramids!

The Great Pyramid, it is huge. It was made 2510BCE. Pyramids were built to bury pharaohs. Another word for a pyramid is tomb. The first pyramids were built 2600BCE. The second pyramid was built in 2600BCE. The amazing, bent pyramid was built in 2590BCE. The Great Pyramid which is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was built in 2510BCE. The pyramids are one of the biggest human built structures. The Egyptians had no cranes, so stones were  pulled up a ramp.