2022-2023 BOARD

President: LINDSAY


Lindsay is mom to Jack (grade 4)

Vice President: Lauren Grey


Lauren is mom to Jaxson (grade 3)

Secretary: OPEN

Treasurer: Ayoung Kim


Ayoung is mom to Junsu (grade 4)

VP Membership: OPEN


VP Communications: OPEN

President's Letter 2022-2023

Welcome Wilburton Elementary families!

We hope everyone has had a nice summer full of fun in the sun and family time. We are excited to start a new school year, and to have our students back in the classroom learning and connecting with their friends and classmates.

This year the PTA will balance focus on supporting our teachers and Wilburton staff, and building a community with safe, interactive events & fundraisers.

We know all of our Parents and Teachers have busy schedules, so anytime you are able to help we greatly appreciate it! We will have plenty of traditional in-person volunteer opportunities as well as, asynchronous opportunities.

If you haven't already, be sure to purchase your annual PTA membership. PTA Members have a voice and vote on what we do and how we spend the money we raise.

Parent, teacher, & family support means the world to our students. Thank you for being here to make a difference for every child at Wilburton Elementary.

The Wilburton Elementary PTA

Lindsay Dugan, President

Stay connected with us on Facebook ( & Instagram (@wilburtonpta)

2022-2023 PTA CHAIRS

**Click Chair Program Event Name to send email

  • Fundraising** Chairs

    • Catalog: Lindsay

    • Spirit wear: Lindsay

Program Chairs

Yearbook Chair: Jimni| Role

FB/Instagram: Lindsay

Website Admin: Lindsay

Advocacy Chair: OPEN

Room Parent Coordinator: TBD | Role

Awards Submissions Committee: TBD

Volunteer Coordinator: TBD

GSuites Admin: Lindsay

Nomination Committee: TBD

Standing Rules Review Committee: TBD

Library Coordinator Chair: TBD

Teacher Appreciation Coordinator: Lauren

Share your Culture Committee: TBD

PTA Bulletin Board Chair: TBD

Tellers Committee: Lindsay & Lauren

*What is a Chair? This person works with a committee to plan and organize programs for the school year. Potentially collaborates with principal, PTA president, and other committee chairmen to coordinate, plan and implement programs and events.

Chair Positions Available: Family Fun Coordinator, Special Needs Committee

Interested in becoming a chair? Email:

I volunteer because I want to be involved with what our school is doing, have some say in the outcome but most importantly spend time with my daughter and the Wilburton community. Not only is it fun but I can commit whatever time I can and not feel pressured to do more!


Are you looking to be more involved in our school?

A great way to be involved throughout the year is to become a PTA Board Member!

Here is a brief description of the positions.

Have questions?

Want to raise your hand or nominate someone else? CLICK HERE

President: Oversees and coordinates the work of an executive board to run a PTA effectively, presides at PTA board and association meetings and with approval of the executive committee, makes one-year appointments to positions and committees as specified in the standing rules.

Vice President: Works as the primary aide to the president, helps lead a PTA towards specific goals consistent with PTA purposes and policies, performs the president’s duties in his or her absence, carries out other duties outlined in unit bylaws and standing rules or as assigned.

Secretary: Takes minutes at board and association meetings, co-signs formal papers with the president's authorizations, handles PTA correspondence as directed by the president, maintains and preserves PTA records and important documents to pass on at the end of the term.

Treasurer: Maintains records to track unit funds and financial transactions, presents a written financial report every month and at other times as requested by the president, pays all PTA bills as authorized by board or association, prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report.

VP of Membership: Plans and execute membership campaigns to inform and invite the school community to join the PTA, plans and execute efforts to “brand” PTA activities and events, arrange and advertise any membership benefits.

VP of Communications: Plans and execute communications campaigns, works with the board to promote events and makes work of PTA work visible to the community through different channels of communication like social media, monthly e blast, directory, etc.

You can raise your hand or nominate a member of our community, also each of the positions can be shared by two persons so it a great way to work collaboratively. We would love to see on the Board next year.


Do you have questions or suggestions for the PTA?