
WiCyS UK Affiliate becomes UK & Ireland with new leadership team

Published: 5th September 2023

WiCyS UK are continuing to work towards our mission – to help build a strong gender-diverse cybersecurity workforce by facilitating the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in the field.

We are incredibly excited to announce, as of April 2023, the establishment of our new leadership board and ambassador teams. As of August 2023, we are expanding our reach to the Republic of Ireland with our new Director for Ireland, Jennifer Cox, to become WiCyS UK and Ireland (UKI) Affiliate. Henceforth WiCyS UK will now be known as WiCyS UKI.

Announcing our leadership board:

Announcing our teams and ambassadors:

We have established three core teams of wonderful voluntary ambassadors…

Our three teams:

Alongside the establishment of our teams, we have also launched our website.

This year has been a very exciting one for us here at WiCyS UKI. We have all hit the ground running, striving to evoke positive change.

Interested in joining us as a member?

We’d love to hear from you! Please click here to find out more.

Interested in supporting WiCyS UKI?

There are various ways in which you can support us. Please click here to find out more.

Keep your eyes peeled for future press releases and follow us on our Social Media channels - LinkedIn and Instagram - for updates on future opportunities and developments.