Preston Google Classroom Codes

If you are having trouble with a code, please note:These codes are NOT case sensitive.The number 1 has a little flag. The lower case L is just a straight line. The number zero is tall 0. The lower case o is small. Lower case Q looks like this q. Lower case P looks like this p.

*Teacher has multiple classrooms. Scroll to the right ->

Please note: Every teacher has his/her own codes. Please make sure you find and write down codes for classroom teachers, special area teachers (Music, Phys. Ed, Art, etc...) as well as related services, such as Title I Reading Services, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy etc. Our nurses and guidance counselors have Google Classrooms as well.

*Mr. Smith's Art classes have new codes as of 4/28. Scroll below the spreadsheet to see them.

Mr. Smith's Art Codes as of 4/28