W+H School Performing arts
Our Mission
Welcome to the W+H School Performing Arts page. Our goal for W+H students is to develop in them a life-long love for the performing arts by encouraging them to enjoy performances and to participate in them as well long after they leave the school. Students will broaden their appreciation for the power and importance of music through reading music notation, listening to and talking about music critically, and participating in authentic performing experiences through a wide range of musical styles and performance opportunities.
What We Do
All students in grades PK - 8 meet for Vocal Music a class two times per week.
All students in grades 4 - 8 meet for Instrumental Music two times per week.
There is a Lower School Cabaret every January presented by 5th graders who audition to perform.
Beginning in 6th grade, students are eligible to audition for the Middle School Musical which is presented in November.
Middle School students also may audition to participate in both MS Jazz Band or Vocal Ensemble which meet on Mondays after school and performs at the Music in the Parks festival at Dorney Park every year.
Middle School students may participate in a dance elective.
Beginning in Upper School, students may choose to particapte in either Concert Choir or Concert Band which meet two times per week during the school day.
Upper School students who are enrolled in Concert Choir or Concert Band are eligible to audition for the respective select group, Jazz Band or MadJazz which meet twice per week. Students enrolled in Jazz Band and MadJazz receive Honors credit for the course which counts toward their GPA.
Upper School students who are serious about music may take Fundamentals of Music Theory and AP Music Theory classes which are typically offered every other year.
Upper School students may auditon to participate in the play which is presented in November and the musical which is presented in March.
Upper School students may participate in a dance club.
Middle and Upper School dance students present a combined recital in April.
For an extra fee, students in grades 4 - 12 may take private instrumental and voice lessons which are given right here on campus by a distinguished staff of professional musicians.
Students in grades 4 - 12 who study music privately either outside of school or through our Private Music Lesson Program are invited to audition to participate on our annual Winter Recital in January and Spring Recital which takes place in April.
Upper School students may audition to participate in our Annual Cookin' Cabaret performance which takes place every May after AP Exams have been completed.
We present winter and spring concerts in all three divisions.