CS is Everywhere Speaker Series

CS is everywhere.  Starting in Fall 2020, WHPS CS Alumni and local CS Experts hosted webinars for high school students to explain how CS is connected to decisions that impact all of us.  We hope these resources help you. 

NOTE: Our attendance at these events has decreased significantly since Covid. It seems like this was really popular at that time, but it has not been as popular recently. Due to this, it is unlikely that we will offer another virtual event any time soon. 

Our Most Recent Speaker...

To see timing for this and all events on the WHPS CS Calendar, see below.

You can also CLICK HERE to add this Calendar to your Google Calendar.

Do you use computer science in your career? Are you interested in being a guest speaker? 

Email Jackie Corricelli (jackie_corricelli@whps.org)!

Past Events & Resources:

Click the images and links below to access slides and/or videos from each presentation.

CS & Money

CS & Money by Cryptographer Jonathan Herzog, 3/22/2022

Links: Video, Slides

CS & Genetics

CS & Genetics: by Jackson Labs Bioinformatics Analyst Neerja Katiyar, 1/24/2022

Links: Video, Slides

CS & Business Solutions

CS & Business Solutions: by Travellers Analytics Lead Amy Druckenmiller, 9/18/2023

Links: Video

CS & Security

CS & Security: by Jonathan Davis (Army), Kyle Francis (Navy), Michael Sisti (Air Force), and Ruth Tian (Coast Guard)Links: Video

CS & Athletics

CS & Athletics by Stacie Walsh from Hartford Startup SwingU, 2/9/2021Links: Slides

CS & Biology

CS & Biology by Joe Gennaro from New Haven Startup Atlas Xomics, Fall 2020Links: Slides

Quotes from Attendees:

"Attending really broadened my knowledge on both subjects and opened up an entire career pathway that I hadn't even considered prior to this! "

"I know that for many of us, myself included, we are struggling to find interests in terms of college and jobs, and this kind of exposure is incredibly helpful."

"I have developed an infatuation for computer science, seeing it's real life uses encourages me to continue pursuing it."  

"I'm glad that there are CS jobs that involve communicating with others and traveling which are two things I love to do."

"Thank you for talking to us about your job! I know I'm not going to study computer science directly in university, but it was super interesting to hear about the way you bounce between more technical things and clients. It has reminded me that there are all sorts of jobs and opportunities out there that I don't even know about yet."

Have questions? Reach out to Jackie Corricelli (jackie_corricelli@whps.org)