AI in Education

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be described as the simulation of human intelligence as processed by machines.  We have been using AI in the form of Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant for several years, but now generative AI has come on the scene with more opportunities for cognitive and creative thinking. 

Generative AI can include the following: 

AI In Education?

Many educators are worried that students may use AI as a means to unethically complete assignments. However, we must realize how AI is at the forefront of our world today and look for ways to harness the power it can provide in education and the world around us. How can AI help prepare our students for the future?

AI Tools for Teachers

AI tools can help teachers save time as they complete tasks more efficiently.  AI tools can help with administrative tasks, lesson plans, generating quiz questions, and assessing student needs. Check out this video for 11 Best AI Tools for Teachers.  

AI Tool: ChatGPT

AI Tool: Read and Write for Google Chrome