Personal Branding

Having strong, updated personal-branding materials: resume, LinkedIn and Handshake profiles, and a professional introduction.

Handshake is the best resource to begin your job and internship search.

This WFU hub for career-related information allows you to review, apply for, and set up interviews for internships, some of which are only available to Wake Forest students. If you fill out your profile with your interests you will receive targeted emails with information and job/internship opportunities available in your specific career fields of interest.

How do I:

The “professional Facebook” of the working world: LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great resource to network, research companies of interest, locate informational interview contacts, and improve your personal brand. This free site opens the door to over 70 million professionals around the globe, representing 150 industries.

LinkedIn Profile Checklist will provide you with tools on how to set up your profile, personalize your profile, search for jobs and internships, and connect with WFU alumni and professionals in your field of interest.

How Do I:

A cover letter is a one-page document that expresses your interest in the position you are applying to with an employer. Within the cover letter, you will address experience, qualifications, and additional resources of information not covered in your resume.