Ceramics & Sculpture
Ceramics & Sculpture I
What is the relationship between ideas and forms in sculpture?
How does experimentation foster artistic growth?
Ceramics & Sculpture I is a hands-on making studio art class focusing on 3-dimensional forms and surfaces.
With an emphasis on handbuilding in clay, students will explore a variety of materials, processes and concepts in order to create meaningful sculptures.
Students will also learn to analyze visual art across time, place and culture, as they become familiar with visual design principles.
Ceramics & Sculpture II
Prerequisite: Ceramics & Sculpture I
Prerequisite: Ceramics & Sculpture I
How can developing our technical skills improve the success of our artwork?
How can we take inspiration from the world around us and form meaningful connections?
This course builds upon experience gained in Ceramics and Sculpture I and further investigates the use of clay as a sculptural medium. Students understand and appreciate the transformative nature of clay from a plastic to rigid state. They use previously learned techniques -- including pinching, slab forming, coil building, carving and press forming -- to create original and expressive freestanding and relief forms. Students also further develop their wheel-throwing clay skills. Students will explore the questions of “how?”, “what?” and “why?” as they design their own, personally expressive pieces. We will continue exploring non-clay sculpture techniques such as found object assemblage, paper maché, plaster, wire, wooden reed, paper, and cardboard
AP Portfolio:
Ceramics & Sculpture 3D Art
Prerequisite: Ceramics & Sculpture II
In this course students develop their art-making abilities through technical, formal, and conceptual investigation in a variety of media, with a focus on ceramics and sculpture. Students create a portfolio of work that is submitted to The College Board and evaluated according to national standards for 3D Design. The AP portfolio consists of 15 works in the Sustained Investigation section, that demonstrate practice, experimentation and revision. In addition, 5 selected works that demonstrate synthesis of materials, process, and ideas.
The AP Art - Ceramics, Sculpture and 3D Art course requires a commitment to rigorous investigation of art making both inside and outside the classroom. Students develop college-level work that demonstrates mastery of concept, composition, and execution. The Investigation is a significant, self-directed, and sustained exploration to create a body of intellectually and visually cohesive works that shows command of 3D design issues, risk-taking, discovery, and growth.
Please note:
● There are summer assignments; completed work is due prior to the first day of school.
● The College Board charges a course/exam fee (approx. $100 paid in November.)