Mrs. P's

Math Site

Hello, and welcome to my new website. I am a Christian, wife, mother, sister and teacher. I love teaching mathematics and causing math to come alive for all of my students! This site was created to provide you with the very latest information about my Mathematics classes at Westside Christian Academy in Detroit, MI. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact me here.

Why Teach???

I always said I would work in Corporate America for a little while and transition into the classroom. In fact, that's why I pursued my BS in Applied Mathematics at Kettering University. I figured that degree would give me the most flexibility to accomplish my long term desire of being an educator. Since I was inspired by my own teachers, I want to be able influence those who grew up with similar backgrounds as me. I chose this path not just to teach; but to create a love for mathematics, education and learning in the next generation. Below is a brief article featured on Kettering University's website about my transition into the classroom.

Long-Term Goals

As an educator, I will never stop being a student. This attitude pushes me to become a better teacher daily. I desire to be a teacher that is able to be flexible. I don't want to be stuck in one way of operation for my entire career. I want to be one that uses the latest research and studies to propel my students forward. I also desire to be a teacher that influences other teachers to be great. However, this can only be done if I have proven myself to get results.