"I feel like the simplicity of my poster references Swiss style well. I learned how it takes time and maybe more than one draft to get things right." - Chase Van Ogtrop
"I learned how difficult it can be to brainstorm and design something simple, as well as how to approach simple designs instead of complex ones." - Serena Ng
"The dots, lines, and text are all placed in hierarchy to allow for simplicity." - Arjun Jasuja

"Swiss-Style" Posters

Graphic Design students learn the power of revision and peer editing in order to create their simplified, universal, grided, hierarchy-of-design posters. Each student was challenged to use the entire copy from the WHS Program of Studies for their chosen course.

"The simple design and my limited color choices on my poster reference Swiss style. I tried to create a poster that could represent chemistry in a simple and visually appealing way. I used circles and lines in this poster to represent a molecular model of a compound, but I kept the design simplified... Also, coming up with a simple design that still represented a topic was difficult to do, and it required a lot of careful thinking and brainstorming...I see a lot of value in revisions because they help me see errors or improvements that can me made that I might not have seen on my own... even though editing my art multiple times is sometimes challenging, it helps to make the end product something that I will be proud of." - Libby Galton
"I always like having a second, third, or more, opinion on what I'm working on." - Angela Zhuang
"In my opinion, using the help and opinions of other people was very very helpful. This allowed me to gain insight from people who had a fresh view of my poster, and were able to see improvements that I was able to use to make my poster better." - James Osborn
"I learned how to use so many tools and commands in a small amount of time." - Maya McCatty
"This project gave me a much needed review of Illustrator and helping a friend gave me some new ways to think about using Illustrator" - Will Spicer
Aayush Deswal

Sam Thomas

Mark Leonardo