repeat patterns

illustrate a seamless pattern using a limited color palette(back to Graphic Design)

Students research, draw, digitize and repeat their own unique pattern. A thoughtful, limited color palette (max 5 via Adobe Color) and efficient workflow between paper, Illustrator and Photoshop is stressed.

Connections are also made to contemporary illustrators, especially Julia Rothman. The endlessly functional application of wallpaper, wrapping paper, package design and more is made tangible through the use of our 44" wide printer.

Past Topic: Link to lexiconography. Based off of the collections in the book, "Translating Happiness: A Cross-Cultural Lexicon of Well-Being". "How embracing untranslatable terms for well-being—from the Finnish sisu to the Yiddish mensch—can enrich our emotional understanding and experience." Students attempted to illustrate the complex, yet comforting one-word terms that describe so much more. Link to some wacky holidays (last year's prompt).

Taking it another step farther... package design!

More to come...