7th-Grade Humanities

Dear parents and guardians,

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! I am delighted to be your student's 7th-grade English and Social Studies teacher this year and am looking forward to a great year.

In lieu of a formal syllabus, which often does not get read and is usually lost within the first several weeks of the year, I wanted to put together a hub of information that you can refer back to at any point this year. I hope this is useful to you and welcome any feedback you may have.

First, please take a moment to complete the Introducing Your Student form. Your student has filled out a similar form giving me some first-person information about themselves, but I find it helpful to round out that information with the parent perspective as well. Everything you write will be kept confidential.

Use the links along the top of the page to navigate through this website. You can view my school website with assignment calendars here.

When you are finished, please fill out this form, which serves as your "signature" and confirms that you read the information and reviewed it with your student.

Thank you!

Mrs. Megan Ellis