Mists Spring Coronet
March 31 - April 2, 2023
To the populace of the Mists, the West, and the Known World, do Prince Neil and Princess Kelsy, Sovereign and Sovereign Consort of the Mists, extend an invitation to witness the selection of Their heirs by right of arms.
Attend the Words of His Highness, Prince Neil!
We are looking forward to finding Heirs that will carry on the customs and traditions of this, the Original Principality of the First Kingdom. For all those that would contend for Our Thrones, if you are members in good standing where both the combatant and inspiration reside within Our Lands, We trust that you have the understanding and capabilities to be our Heirs. No Letter of Intent is required.
For those that reside outside this realm, either combatant and/or inspiration, We ask you each to provide Us, by March 20th, a Letter of Intent, detailing your claims to these Lands and how you intend to ensure proper service to Our People.
For those wondering about tournament format, We intend to move more towards tradition. There will be no special requirements or restrictions on weapons choices, also using our standard SCA conventions for armor. Bring what brings you and your consort joy. Rounds will be one fight, with double-kills re-fought immediately until a victor is determined. Finals will be the customary best two out of up to three fights. However, in order to give everyone the opportunity for more fights, we are making one break from tradition:
This will be a Triple Elimination Tournament.
Until the finalists are determined, everyone will continue to contend until they have acknowledged their opponents as victors three times. (Don’t wander off after your second loss, as you still have more fights left). We also will open a Roses field at some point, so all can get their fill of fighting for the day.
We would also ask all Knights who reside within the Mists, to attend our event and at least witness the choosing of Our Heirs. If you also have the Inspiration and capability to reign, We ask you to join the lists and contend for the Coronet.
Neil, Sovereign of the Mists
In addition to the Coronet tournament, and the multitude of Arts & Sciences events, Rapier and Archery will be occurring!
Site opens Friday at 2pm and closes on Sunday at 2pm.
Site Fee: Adult non-member $25 | Adult member $20 | Children (17 & younger) $0
Pre-registration (optional): https://sites.google.com/westkingdom.org/epay/home
Site Information
EcoCamp Berryessa
7850 Berryessa-Knoxville Rd.
Napa, CA 94558
Site Fees
Adult non-member $25
Adult member $20
Children (17 & younger) $0
Event Steward
Da'ud ibn Ali (David K. Williams)
Email: daudali@westkingdom.org
Cell: 925-708-5075
Important Information
The site features cabins, covered picnic areas, potable water, solar power, stone privies, coin-operated showers, and lake access.
Unvaccinated individuals must wear a mask AT ALL TIMES when inside the cabins - this includes while sleeping.
Entry road to site is narrow and 1-lane at points. Please drive carefully.
Parking is limited, please carpool if possible. Due to limited parking, RVs can not be accommodated.
No wood or charcoal fire is allowed due to County fire regulations. Propane fires and cookstoves are allowed with a visible fire extinguisher at hand.