Barony of Eskalya
Welcome back, Eskalya!
We have taken our first steps back into the light after a long, dark tunnel. While we did not get the full Three Baron’s Faire experience, the Crown Market was a lovely weekend of fighting demos and talking up our glorious hobby with the general populace. I believe this was well worth the effort and we appeared to have much interest. We have already seen some new faces at fighter practice!
We are very happy to be able to have weekly practices again, and there has been talk about combining A&S with them. Speaking of A&S, we are pleased to welcome Lady Ceara as our new A&S minister, and we thank Mistress Clare Elana for her service these past years. The most recent business meeting was also held in concert with a Thursday fighter practice. These meetings are open to all, and we invite you to come and learn more about the inner workings of the Barony and its events.
We very much look forward to attending these weekly events, as well as Coronet in September and Samhain in October. It is important to remember, however, that each person has their own level of comfort in regards to personal distance. Please be respectful and ask permission before going on a hugging spree. I have also been asked about visiting the Menagerie again and that is in the plans for this autumn. The date is not yet determined, but most likely October. In fact, I have decided to include a contest into that as well. Animals in any mode. I haven’t yet decided if this will be a continuous theme, but it may be. I only ask that they be items made in that calendar year.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Gavin and Celestria
Baron and Baroness