Video Analysis


In this module, you will be learning about a variety of instructional technology tools and strategies that support the analysis documentary videos.


  • transform a traditional lesson plan that incorporates student-centered analysis of documentary videos through meaningful instructional technology tools and strategies


Have you ever wondered how to actively engage your students as they view and analyze documentary videos?


Choose some tools/strategies from the list below that you'd like to investigate further.


Visit the Resources Page to view some video tutorials and read various support materials about your chosen tool/strategy to learn how to integrate technology into your lesson. Don't see what you'd like to learn? Please contact Rob Leo, Coordinator of Instructional Technology Training for support.


Create a real-world example of whichever tool/strategy you have chosen, transform a lesson plan that integrates your selection, and deploy your lesson with your students.


      1. Documentary film(s), YouTube videos (or videos from other video hosting services)
      2. Google Drive
      3. Google Classroom
      5. Edpuzzle
      6. Backchannel Chat


      1. Prior to showing a documentary film during class, create a “backchannel” using Backchannel Chat. Share the link with your students via Google Classroom. Have students share their responses to the prompts below as they watch the video (students should use their real name and should number their responses). Using another device (different from the device you are using to project the video), reply to student posts.
          1. What did you already know about the video’s topic?
          2. What information in the video was new or interesting?
          3. What did you like/dislike about the video?
          4. What do you want to know more about?
      2. Find a relevant video on YouTube or Khan Academy and use edpuzzle to create an interactive video that poses assessment questions periodically throughout the video. Assign the edpuzzle activity via Google Classroom
      3. Share a link to a YouTube video (Khan Academy or other source) via Google Classroom. Have students use to take notes as they view the video. Students can log in to using their Google account. A folder in Google Drive will store their videonotes. Students can share their notes with the teacher and/or a peer.