Remote Learning

How do I help my child succeed with remote learning?

1) Set up a learning space conducive to learning

a. To the extent possible, create a learning space at home for them to attend school remotely

b. Make sure needed resources (e.g. pencil, paper, calculator, textbooks/workbooks, water bottle) are close at hand

c. Help your child become familiar with using the electronic device assigned to them

d. Make sure their electronic device is fully charged before the start of each school day

2) Support their Executive Functioning to help them sustain attention, stay organized, initiate tasks, stay on task, problem solve, and complete tasks

a. Encourage your child to develop and maintain a routine/organize their work

i. Create a school calendar for the day/week

ii. Encourage your child to use organizational tools such as agendas/planners/checklists to organize their schedule of daily classes/tasks, and track and plan homework assignments and due dates (encourage them to check off each class/task when done)

Create a custom schedule for your child 1

Create a custom schedule for your child 2

Create a custom schedule for your child 3

iii. Identify and encourage “homework time”

iv. Encourage the use of timers

b. Encourage your child to engage with remote learning by asking questions, answering questions, and making notes

c. Minimize external distractions to the extent possible (e.g. put up a privacy screen/trifold board to reduce visual distractions, have them use noise-cancelling headphones to reduce auditory distractions)

d. Expect emotional moments/moments of overwhelm

If possible, create a calm-down area where your child can work through strong emotions or simply take a quiet break

3) Encourage Breaks

a. Movement breaks

i. Encourage your child to get up and walk around for a minute/stretch/do jumping jacks/get a drink of water, after every class

ii. Provide access to fidget tools, as needed

iii. At the end of the school day, encourage your child to spend time outdoors/off-screen

b. Mindfulness breaks

c. Cognitive breaks

i. Encourage your child to take a screen-free lunch break

ii. Encourage your child to take a break at the end of the school day, before getting started on homework

4) Reinforce expected behavior

a. Check in with your child about their school day

b. Highlight positives

c. Make a plan to help them work on things that did not go well

5) Encourage readiness for school:

a. Encourage your child to get enough sleep, eat breakfast, get dressed, and be ready for the school day on time

b. Easy access to preferred nonacademic activities in the home setting can interfere with your child’s interest in/willingness to attend to school work. Remind them that they can have access to their preferred activities after school (if needed, set up an incentive chart)

6) Read about more ways to help your child succeed with remote learning