E Tools

These are links to subscription-based services that the district provides.  Your school and/or department may have access to others.  

Brainpop Grades K-5

Access from Google Apps Menu

Newsela Pro Grades 6-8

Sutori Grades 9-12

These are free or free/paid tools.  The district does not have a subscription to any of theses


Pear Deck

Scholastic Learn at Home website will not require a username or password, and is open freely to all. The learning journeys are accessible on any device. They are designed to limit the need for printing, and allow students to learn independently or with their families. Teachers can even plan virtual learning meetups to discuss and expand on any of the resources found on the site.

Click for more information and tutorials


CREATE WORKSHEETS Add video, audio, images and a variety of question types, all wrapped in a beautiful, engaging & easy to use app.

ASSIGN TO STUDENTS 1-click to share with students via Google Classroom or any learning management system.

ASSESS ANSWERS Save time with automatic checking & grading, or review one by one to give more personal feedback.


A FREE platform for gathering & acting on live student responses. Get a demo of premium & take student growth to the next level


As schools around the world temporarily close (or, prepare to close), students are being forced to stay home due to this health crisis. Administrators and teachers are tasked with finding creative ways to keep students on-track and engaged as they learn from home. To help ease the stress, WeVideo is ready to offer free WeVideo for School accounts to those closed due to COVID-19 concerns.