Ms. Bohnyak's Science Classes

Theresa Bohnyak

Science Teacher

Westfield HS 

Courses for 2023-2024

Forensic Science

Biology I

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope everyone had a great summer and is getting ready for the start of school.  A little bit about me... This is my first full year here at the high school.  Last year, I was a leave replacement at Roosevelt Intermediate for 8th grade science.  Prior to RIS, after taking a short break from teaching, I was employed at another district for over a decade where I taught all levels of Biology as well as Environmental Science.  I am very excited to continue working at Westfield and I wish everyone a successful school year.

This is the required Student Safety Contract

Westfield Lab Safety Contract.pdf

Here are some housekeeping rules and expectations

Teaching Schedule 2023-2024 Theresa.docx