Mrs. McNally

English Teacher

Course Description

English II:

English II explores the power of language and the commonality of human experience through a comparative study of written and oral expression. The texts studied in this course draw heavily from the literature of the former and existing nations of the British Commonwealth. An emphasis on the writing process complements the study of literature to develop skills in expository, personal, narrative, and research-based writing. This course is recommended for most tenth grade students who can read and write material appropriate for the grade level.

English I:

This year we will explore the universal human struggle with individualism and identity, and examine how this struggle applies to our own lives. We will discuss issues that cut across time and culture, realizing that many of them still apply to us today. You are not a “finished product,” rather you are in a riveting stage in your own search for identity. You are an individual in this class, in this school, in this country, and in society as a whole. We will use texts to supplement our ongoing examination of what that means.

Class Materials/Homework

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