Classroom Rules and Expectations

Below, you will find classroom rules and expectations as well as the Back to School Night packet which provides more information about our class.  


Bathroom and Drinks: 

Hold one finger up if you need the bathroom – Please sign out and leave the bathroom pass on your desk

Hold two fingers up if you want a drink

1 boy and 1 girl are allowed to the bathroom at the same time.  If it is an emergency, you can go even if someone is already out.

Please remember to leave a pass on your desk so I know that you left the room.  



You need to leave your desks neat and organized.  Inside, you should have your notebooks and other materials.  On the top of your desk, you should have the following: Your name tag, a pen and/or pencil, and your silent reading book.  Desks must be kept neat so that you can find your materials quickly and efficiently.  



If you have multiple items, such as several glue sticks, I recommend keeping one in your desk and the rest either at home or in your backpack.  I also recommend keeping supplies in the top portion of your desk and notebooks/books in the bottom section of your desk.



You may eat a healthy snack when you are hungry.  Please keep in mind that you should still save your lunch for lunchtime which is at 12:00.  If you don’t finish your lunch, you can bring it upstairs to eat later in the day, or bring home.  You have to eat at your desk, and you may only eat during independent work (not during specials, when I am teaching, etc.).  Please only bring water for your in-class drink.



Behavioral Management System: 

This is based off of a book called "1-2-3 Magic".  When a student is not meeting expectations (calling out, not paying attention to the speaker, talking in the hall) then they will get "checked".  When a student gets to their third "check", the teacher will choose a consequence such as being removed from the current activity.  If a student gets a fourth "check", then they will fill out a reflection sheet which you can find on this page.  I realize that we all make mistakes, and writing a note home does not mean that the student is "bad".  This is just a way to keep our goals set high and learn from our mistakes. 

Stop and Think Reflection Sheet.pdf

Star of the week:

Each week, a star of the week will be selected based on behavior and effort.  On this page, you will find information and activities that our star will take part in during their week.