CUrrent Events

9/6 No school for Labor day

-Math we are working hard on rounding and place value

-Reading we are working on referring back to a text to find information as well as character traits

-Writing we are working hard to identify nouns and verb as well as using adjectives to describe nouns

-Science we are exploring how weather and erosion shape our world

I am so excited for another year together! I am committed to helping your child to grow and achieve their personal and academic goals. Let's work together to have the year the kids deserve!


  • Starfall

  • ABCmouse

  • ABCya

  • Prodigy

  • Moby Max

  • Epic library

  • SplashLearn

Class Schedule

8:15-8:30 Breakfast

8:30-10 Math groups

10:05-10:45 Specials

10:45-12:10 Writing and science

12:15-12:50 Lunch and recess

12:50-2:15 Reading groups

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-3:10 Intervention

3:10-3:15 clean up to go home