Welcome to Nightingale Class

Welcome to Nightingale Class

Welcome to Nightingale class! We are so excited to have you all in year two as you learn more and grow! We will be learning about some amazing things this year, including learning about the great fire of london, how to use maps and of course phonics, maths and writing! We can't wait! Mrs Hollidge and Mr Munro


Key news and updates:

Weekly updates

Term 1 Week 5: Dragon Machines!

We have been continuing our dragon-themed English this week by looking at the wonderful story of the Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. The children have been thinking about the Dragon Machine and had a go at doing some creative writing. They came up with some AMAZING descriptive writing about the Dragon Machine! Here are some samples below.

Term 1 Week 4 - Voting for our School Council!

This week, the children all learned about democracy as we discussed our roles for the School Council. The children who wanted to be candidates all had to stand up and give a speech about why they should be chosen as the class representative, then the children went to the polling station (the hall!) and cast their votes. They really enjoyed the experience. 

Term 1 Week 3

This week Nightingale's class have been working really hard. In Maths, we created our own human number lines to physically show how ones from 1-10 fit in between 0-10 on a tens number line from 0 - 100. 

In art we looked at texture and created images using a variety of mediums and mark making skills to show different textures. We used bark and sticks to inspire our creations. 

In science, we had an action packed live lesson where we worked scientifically to see the chemical reaction that takes place between bicarbonate of soda and a mixture of water, acid and washing up liquid! 

In English, we had a fun lesson where we acted out three separate images from George and the Dragon. We thought about the different characters in the image and how they might be feeling in that freeze frame. This then inspired our descriptive writing later on. 

We have been so impressed with the Nightingales this week as they enter in the middle of term 1. We are noticing that many of them are tired and we would encourage them to get a good nights sleep on a Sunday night! 

Term 1 Week 2

The children had great fun learning about the story of Zacchaeus in our RE today. I acted out the story and the children were very indignant at how badly Zachhaeus behaved! They loved the fact that he changed his ways after meeting with Jesus. Their writing reflected this well. 

Term 1 Week 1

Wow! Welcome back! What a week it has been. We have been recapping lots of our knowledge from last year as well as getting to know one another and getting our heads around being called 'year two' now! We are so proud of how well the nightingales have settled into year two - embracing the new routines and challenges with great resilience and eagerness. We will be hosting a 'meet the teacher' on Monday the 9th of September and you will have an opportunity to see the classroom and to meet both myself and Mr Munro. 

The children have been having great fun learning artistic techniques in our art lesson this week. We tried working with charcoal, experimenting with tone and shade. The children had a great time and produced some amazing pieces of art.