Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

 Key Dates

Online Safety Talk - Wednesday 3rd July 6:00 - 7:00

Shuffle Up Day - Thursday 4th July

Welton Summer Fayre - Saturday 6th July

Welton Career Morning - Wednesday 10th July

Rocksteady Concert - Thursday 11th July

Sports' Week - Monday 15th July

End of Term 6 - Friday 19th July

Value of week:


Message from Mr Snell

As we head towards the end of term I would like to draw your attention to the fantastic 'Weltonbury' community event which is happening at school on Saturday 6th July. In the true spirit of 'collaboration' our fantastic PTFA have been busy over the last few months organising what hopes to be a very special afternoon. As you are all very aware, funding in schools is incredibly tight so any opportunity to raise important funds for your children is essential (plus any opportunity to have a good time!). So please read the information below and in particular, if you can spare even half an hour on the 6th to help, it would be very much appreciated (there is a link to click to sign up!). More information will be shared over the coming week but put the date in your diary and I look forward to seeing you there!

With thanks for your continued support, Mr Snell :) 


Please see beneath some exciting news coming your way! Pop the date for our Summer Fayre 'Weltonbury' in your diary. We can't wait for you to join us.  

This year, we will be selling prepayment cards again. These will be available on the middle playground, every day, at school pick up from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July. Cash preferred please. Thank you.

Also, if you are able to help on the day, even for just 30 minutes, we would be extremely grateful. Please sign up here if you can: https://signup.com/go/eOjuRHT

Many thanks for all of your help raise much needed funds for our school.

Welton PTFA

Can you help? 

Fantastic Futures at Welton!

We are excited to be hosting a 'Fantastic Futures' event at Welton on the morning of Wednesday 10th July, 8.30am-12.00pm. This will be an exciting opportunity for our children to learn more about the world of work and possible jobs they might consider when they are older. We already have a number of exciting visitors planned to join us on that day! If you would like to join us to talk about your job, please let us know! The morning will involve talking to groups of children and sharing what you do. Please let the school office know (office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk) or talk with Mr Snell/Mr Lyle if you are interested. Many thanks.

Online Safety Session For Parents/Carers

Megan Haldane, Cyber Protect Officer for Avon and Somerset Police is booked to host a cyber safety session for all MNSP parents and carers. She will cover some of the up to date cyber security threats and issues together with strategies to support parents with helping to keep safe online. Essential to know!

The session will be hosted online on Wednesday July 3rd, 6-7pm. The link for more information and for families to register is: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/497f608c-a5d4-4200-916c-5cf71b582ebb@2d72816c-7e1f-41c0-a948-47a8870ff33a

Please sign up and join us! It really is an informative and useful session for all!

Wraparound Care

We are very excited to announce that we are going to be partnering up with Progressive Kids to offer our Wraparound Care Provision from September. This is a wonderful opportunity where children will be able to take part in daily afterschool clubs and continue to be looked after by wonderful staff who provide them with excellent opportunities at either side of the school day. If you, as parents, are interested in being part of the team, you can apply here. This comes with many benefits so please do take a look.

Please find below an example table of what a weekly afterschool timetable may look like and any frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email the office. 

Thank you. 

Wraparound FAQs for Welton Primary.pdf

Preloved School Clothes and uniform reminder

As the weather gets nicer, the preloved school uniform will be out the front of school every Wednesday. Please come and help yourself. We do ask for a small donation in return so that we can fund school supplies.

Thank you. 

Parking Reminder

As we come to the end of term, please refrain from parking in the school car park. This is a busy car park due to the drop off system so we ask that people do not park in the staff or visitor parking. If you need to drop your child, please park on the side streets and walk into school. Many thanks. :)

Summer Cycling Training 

We are pleased to offer free 1-2-1 Family cycle training in Somer Valley during Summer holiday.


We thought this Summer offer might interest your pupils and parents. If you are happy to promote this course, please see below more details and find a poster attached to this email.


It is a flexible training designed to instruct the lead family member to shepherd the group and boost everyone confidence on roads. The first hour will take place off-road where our instructor will introduce basic cycle skills to help prepare everyone to cycle on roads. Then, the group will have activities on cycle lanes and selected local junctions under guidance of our instructor. To attend this course, all riders must be able to ride a bike (set off, pedal, slow down and stop).


Parents only have to click HERE to fill our form and reserve a space*.


Many thanks to everyone for their kind donations - the children loved helping loading the van today! Look out for our next Rags2Riches collection in the new year!

Nursery spaces available

As you may have seen on Facebook, we are beginning to advertise nursery spaces for September. 

If you know of anyone interested in joining the Welton family, please send this to them.  Thank you

Midsomer Norton Town Fayre

Please see the flyer below regarding the Midsomer Norton Town Fayre that is coming up in July. All entries count towards Welton Primary School's overall points score and  in combination with the maypole results could help us win the 'Best Overall' trophy. Most importantly there are some fun activities here for you to complete at home if you wish.

It is free to enter and all entries must be sent into school with your child's NAME, AGE AND SCHOOL on the back. Entries will be collected from school in the morning on Wednesday 10th July. All entries will be on display in the marquee on Saturday 13th July. 

It will be lovely to see Welton families watching and supporting our maypole team who will be defending their  'Best Maypolers in Show' crown.

Come on Welton let's show the town what we can do!

Illness and Attendance at Welton

Many thanks to everyone for communicating with the office if they are unwell and can't come to school. It is really important that you let us know - if we don't know that you are unwell, it will be an unauthorised absence. 

As always, if you are having any problems, please come and chat to us - we are always willing to help. :)


Well done to the following classes achieving over 95% this week 







Best Attendance this week:-


Doodle Maths

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy. Keep looking out for challenges coming up. 

Doodle Mathletics Championship.pdf


Well done to all of our wonderful children showing collaboration this week!

Job Opportunities at Welton Primary School

If you are interested in the following jobs, please come and speak to the office, Mr Lyle or Mr Snell. Thank you.


House Point Totals

A big shout out to Tyning for winning the House Cup this term. We loved playing dodgeball today to celebrate!

Weekly Totals

Huish House - 641

Ludlow House - 708

Tyning House - 381

Old Mills House -  499

Monthly Total

Huish House - 1279

Ludlow House - 1777

Tyning House1099

Old Mills House 1566

Class Pages

Take a look here for what your children are learning this term!

Community News

Make a difference!.pdf

Support for families and young people with special educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Support for families and young people with special educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Explore the SEND Local Offer to find out what support there is available for young people with SEND and their families. Live Well B&NES includes details of wellbeing groups, social clubs, inclusive activities, holiday clubs, mental health support services and opportunities beyond formal education.

Dedicated information sections signpost to support around benefits and funding, Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s), health services and how to access impartial advice and guidance from specialist teams. Parent Carers of young people with SEND can identify ways they can access support for their role as a parent carer of a child with additional needs. You can also apply for your child’s free Rainbow Resource card providing discreet confirmation of their additional need, and enabling them to access dedicated activity sessions, quiet spaces and support, and in some cases concessions to venues across the South West.

Visit the SEND Local Offer to find out more. 


The B&NES Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) has now rearranged the knife crime awareness event at Hayesfield School for 6th June 2024, starting at 6pm.  Tickets are selling fast, so if you are taking the opportunity to attend, please book through our Eventbrite Link below.  

The event is aimed at parents and carers who would like to know more about the dangers of knife crime or are concerned that their children are at risk. They aim to increase awareness of key issues surrounding knife crime, empowering you and your children to make informed and positive decisions to stay safe.

You will have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers with lived experience, who have been personally affected by knife crime. There will also be a presentation by Street Doctors, followed by a panel discussion with the opportunity to ask questions.

The Bath & North East Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) is a multi-agency partnership that aims to prevent and reduce violence in the area. We work to understand and address the root causes of violence, to prevent further violent crimes from occurring in the future. We provide resources and support the work of professionals and community groups who help children at risk or involved in serious violence.


For queries, please email VRP_Events@bathnes.gov.uk.


Or book your ticket now on Eventbrite:



Best Wishes,


The Violence Reduction Partnership

Ofsted - The Big Listen

Ofsted - The Big Listen – we want to hear your views!

The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is carrying out a short survey on behalf of Ofsted. We want to hear from parents/carers of children who are under 18 years old. It should only take around 10 minutes to complete. We are interested in views of, and any experiences with, Ofsted, including Ofsted’s inspection, regulation and reporting practices. We really want to hear from a wide range of parents and carers, even if you don’t have strong opinions about Ofsted, or haven’t had any experience of Ofsted. The survey findings will be used to help Ofsted improve the way it works in the future.

Please click on the following link to find out more or take part in the survey:


You can look at our Taking Part webpage for more information about the research, and our Privacy Notice for what will happen to any information you give. Links to these webpages are also included in the survey.

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
