Weekly Newsletter
Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best
Key Dates
Harvest Assembly (bring a donation for the food bank and Root Connections) - Friday 29th September
Open evening for new prospective parents - Tuesday 3rd October (5pm - 6pm)
Open day for new prospective parents - Wednesday 4th October
Macmillan Coffee Afternoon (2-3) - Thursday 5th October *This will be on the Thursday
School Photos - Wednesday 11th October
Open day for new prospective parents - Tuesday 17th October
Open evening for new prospective parents - Wednesday 18th October (5pm - 6pm)
School Disco (Fancy Dress Theme!): Friday 19th October
**Christmas Fayre- Friday 1st December 5-7pm **
Value of week: Responsibility
Message from Mr Snell
It has been another super week at Welton (although the rain was not so welcome on Wednesday!). Thank you for all your positive comments regarding the new website - and our communication in general. We really do want to make sure that you have the information you need so if you have any further suggestions, do let myself or Mr Lyle know.
We were delighted to see so many new members of our Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA) who joined us at our first meeting of the year on Wednesday. There are some really exciting events being planned (See key dates above!). If you would like to be involved in our PTFA, please let the school office know - you are guaranteed a warm welcome!
I am pleased to see good attendance from our children since the beginning of the school year. May I remind you that absences in term time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. Government policy is clear - Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 states that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer of a child to ensure they attend school. With this in mind, unauthorised absences will incur a penalty notice being requested in line with Dfe, BANES and MNSP policies. Please complete a request for absence form available from the school office if you are considering leave in term time.
As always, thank you for your super support. Mr Snell :)
Parent drop in sessions
During our last couple of weeks of term, we would love to invite you in to come and spend some time with your children and take part in some fun, school-based activities for an afternoon. Please could we ask that you come in for 2:30, on these days, and sign in via the school office. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible then.
Wren Class - Monday 9th October - 9:00 - 9:30
Robin Class - Thursday 12th October
Nightingale Class - Tuesday 10th October
Kingfisher Class - Thursday 19th October
Kestrel Class - Thursday 12th October
Hawk Class - Friday 20th October
Eagle Class - Tuesday 3rd October - This will include a camp meeting.
Dropping off reminders
Firstly, please can we say a huge thank you to those who are working tirelessly to be here before the bell goes at 8:55. We know, sometimes, that traffic lights and roadworks can often play a huge part in when people arrive, but we have been so impressed with the number of children arriving on time and engaging with the work expected of them.
Please be reminded that children need to be accompanied by an adult if on school grounds before 8:45. The school day doesn't start until 8:45 and therefore staff are not around to supervise your children at this point. This is the responsibility of the parents and carers. Please also note that dogs are not allowed on school premises at the start or end of the day.
We also ask that parents do not use the staff car park to drop children off in the mornings. This is a small car park and is used as a drop-off point for parents who are using the 'drop and go' system. We ask that, if you are parking to take your child into school, that you use the back entrance and park down by Welton Vale/Valley walk.
Many thanks for continuing to make our school a safe and secure place to be.
News and Events
House Captain meetings
We are delighted to say that we have been busy in school today listening to our Year 6 children share their speeches on why they should represent your children as House Captains and part of the school council. We are delighted to annouce the following children who were voted for by their peers. Mr Snell and Mr Lyle cannot wait to work with them, making our school an even better place to be.
Well done to the following children:
Old Mills
House Captain - Aislinn Vice House Captain: Kathryn
House Captain - Sophia Vice House Captain: Olivia
House Captain - Betsy Vice House Captain: Rocco
House Captain - Ameia Vice House Captain: Abi
They cannot wait to work with your children.
This year, we will be having an in-school Harvest celebration on the Friday 29th September - there will be no achievers this week. As always, this is a wonderful opportunity to collect food for the local foodbank. Alongside this, we will be continuing to support another local group that we will be working with - Root Connections.
During the week of the 25th, please feel free to bring in donations and place them on the stage. Welton Baptist Church will be leading our Harvest festivities on the day. Please see below the kinds of things that Somer Valley Foodbank are looking for this year.
Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
On Thursday 5th October, we will be holding a Macmillan Coffee Morning in our school dinner hall between 2pm and 3pm. Please feel free to come along for a bit of cake, coffee and a natter. Please drop any cakes you have made into the school hall either on Wednesday 4th (after school) or Thursday morning.
This is to help raise money for a wonderful cause and all money from this event will be going to a worthwhile charity. If you could lend a hand by either baking something for us to sell, help serve teas and coffees or even just put a couple of chairs away at the end, we would be extremely grateful.
Many thanks with your help in supporting such a wonderful charity
Welton Open Days
We are very excited to announce that we will be holding some open days and open evenings for new Reception parents for September 2024. Please feel free to share. If you know someone who may be interested in this, please let them know. We would love to see them. We also have some spaces in other year groups so again, please let anyone know who might be interested.
Help! Fridge Needed
We are in desperate need of a new fridge to store fruit for KS1 snacks and children's milk in each day.
If you know anyone who is getting rid of a fridge, please let us know as we would love to replace ours - it's very old and keeps freezing things.
Please contact the office, if you do. Many thanks in advance.
School Uniform
As we prepare for September, just a reminder that, each Wednesday, any preloved school uniform will be put outside the school for you to take. This is free, or we do ask for a small donation to put towards supporting your children. This is obviously weather dependent so keep an eye out for the uniform table each week.
Well done to all of our achievers this week!
Wet Weather - Coats
As the weather gets wetter, please send your child into school with a coat. Thank you
Many thanks to everyone who has signed up to be a part of our wonderful PTFA - we are so pleased to have so many new members on board. Following a successful meeting on Wednesday, we have already committed to spending money raised on:
Increasing money given to lower the cost of school trips for all
Donation towards the total cost of Root Connections experience for all children
Gardening equipment to enable our gardening club to flourish!
There are plenty of events lined up over the coming months so please watch this space and the key dates above box carefully. We hope that we will be able to provide your children with fun and memorable experiences whilst fund raising to support and improve school life at Welton.
Sporting News
Quad Kids
A group of year 4 and 5 children spent the afternoon taking part in a range of athletics activities at St. Benedicts on Monday. Mrs. Green commented on how well they behaved and the encouragement they were to each other. Well done Team Welton!
Gymnastics Clubs - KS2- Wednesday, Reception, Y1 and Y2- Thursday
There are still places available if you would like to join gymnastics club run by our Up and Under coach, Chris. The club runs from 3.15- 4.15 and all are welcome. To book a place, please visit ParentPay.
Taekwondo Club
Nick Henshall gave a fabulous Taekwondo demonstration in our assembly on Tuesday and the first club session was last night. There are still plenty of places available and a four week trial to see if it's something your child would like to get involved in. To book on and register, click on the following link: https://www.tigermartialarts.club/monthfree
Last night, we had four wonderful children attend. There are still plenty of spaces available. Come along and have a try.
Well done to the following classes!
Best Attendance this week:-
Robin Class
Over 95% Attendance this week:-
Wren Class
Kingfisher Class
Eagle Class
House Points
Another fantastic week of children demonstrating our values of uniqueness, responsibility, respect, collaboration, courage and aspiration this week. Here are the current house point totals.
Weekly Totals
Huish House - 675
Ludlow House - 549
Tyning House - 597
Old Mills House - 603
Current Totals
Huish House - 1,266
Ludlow House - 1,038
Tyning House - 1,157
Old Mills House - 1,133
Click on the links below to see what your children have been up to. These are our new pages. We will be releasing a nursery pages in the next week. We can't wait to share this with you!
Christmas Cards
Over the next few days, your children will be bringing home their Cauliflower Cards Christmas Design. If you would like to order please follow the instructions on the form and complete the online order process.
Please send the completed forms back, no later than the 11th October, so they can be collated and sent to be printed. This is great way to help raise money for the school and we look forward to seeing so many fabulous Christmas cards ordered and created.
Cycle to school week
We cannot wait to see you all cycling to school next week. Don't forget we have bays for you to park your bikes. Mr Lyle is looking forward to cycling to work too on some days too!
This is organised by The Bikeability Trust and supported by Sustrans, Cycle to School Week offers an excellent opportunity to encourage active travel to Welton Primary School.
During this week, we would love to see as many children cycling to school as possible. We are going to be exploring how we travel to school in the coming weeks. During this week, if you do cycle to school, please share some photos with us: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
We would love to share these in our newsletter.
Launch of The Big Ambition
Please see the information below from the Children's Commissioner for England about The Big Ambition survey - where children can have a say. We hope many of you will engage with this. Thank you.
Good afternoon,
I am delighted to announce that I will be launching 'The Big Ambition' to hear directly from children and young people across the country.
Now, as we approach the General Election, I am clear that it is a crucial moment to take children and young people’s voices to policymakers and the Government, to make sure they are heard.
That is why, through 'The Big Ambition' survey I want to hear from children and young people about their schools, communities, family life, and the wider world. I am also asking what they want for their future, their hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
This survey is for all children and young people aged 0 to 18. Children aged 6 to 18 can complete the survey themselves. For those who may need additional support or for children under six parents and other adults can complete the survey on their behalf.
Schools are absolutely critical for me to be able to hear from as many children and young people as possible. That is why, I would appreciate your support and help in encouraging your school community to complete the survey. The survey can be completed here: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/the_big_ambition/
Through this link there is an easy read version and different questions based on the age of the child or young person.
I am grateful for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerely,
Dame Rachel de Souza,
Children's Commissioner for England
Flu Vaccinations
Please find the information below about booking your child in for their flu vaccination.
Annual Nasal Flu Vaccination Consent
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child’s flu vaccination is now due.
This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu.
Please complete the consent form using the following link:
Please ensure you complete your child’s consent 48 working hours before your school session to ensure your child receives their vaccination.
We are visiting Welton Primary School on Wednesday 15th November 2023
The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple and painless spray up the nose. Even if your child had the vaccine last year, the type of flu can vary each winter, so it is recommended to have it again this year or they won’t be protected.
A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme for primary aged children can be accessed at:
and includes details about the small number of children for whom the nasal vaccine is not appropriate. The nasal spray vaccine contains a very small amount of purified porcine gelatine as an essential ingredient to keep it stable and able to work. For those who may not accept medicines or vaccines that contain porcine gelatine, a flu vaccine injection is available. Since the programme was introduced, most children offered the vaccine in schools have had the immunisation.
If you have any queries, please contact the School Aged Immunisation Team on 0300 247 0082 or email us using vcl.immunisations@nhs.net
Yours sincerely,
Roanna Ellis
Acting Professional Lead for School Aged Immunisations
If your child becomes wheezy, has a bad attack of asthma, or has started oral steroids for their asthma after you return this form, please contact the healthcare team on 0300 247 0082.
If you decide you do not want to vaccinate your child against flu, please complete the consent form giving the reason. This will help us plan and improve the service.
For further information see: www.nhs.uk/child-flu
Community News
The Firework Safety Poster
Coming home over the next few days will be a poster competition from Bath Building Society, encouraging children to design a Firework Safety Poster. We would love as many children as possible to have a go at designing a bright, fun and sparkly poster, informing people of the importance of Firework Safety.
These are going to be collected on the First Monday in October. The 2nd and there are some great prizes involved.
1st place in each category gets a £25 voucher, 2nd place gets £15 and 3rd place for each category gets a £10 voucher accompanied with a goody bag and art set from the Rotary.
Even better news. If your child submits a poster, they will receive a free entry voucher to the firework display with any paying adult.
We cannot wait to see all of your wonderful entries in the coming weeks!